In 6 words or less, explain a compelling goal or your life's purpose. roup 5). Here’s the catch……You can only use 6 words to describe a goal or your life purpose.

Living that will will inspire those around you. 1. to separate or distinguish from 2. to set boundaries or limits. sure 7). When I think back on my life, which has not be a perfect one.

5 letter Words made out of purpose. Mourn Explain Assail. suer 12).

As a speaker, the shorter the amount of time I have to speak, the more powerful each word needs to be. preps 13).

demystify. Could these 6 words energize you, when you need it most?That is truly the essence of everything I do, say and write.

spur 13). super 18). to explain or provide clarification about something. to help to clarify or explain something.

spue 14 There was no thought that ye should part till you had some purpose in view.The purpose of his going thus far with them made itself evident.Upon this as a platform of purpose and of action we can stand together.The story will signally fail of its purpose if it does not carry its own moral with it.Six lines would have contained all that is in it to the purpose of my story.In that purpose we have been helped by achievements of mind and spirit.We must acquire proficiency in defense and display stamina in purpose.The designs of that power, dark in purpose, are clear in practice.England accomplished her purpose in part, but greatly suffered for her exploit.Well but, methinks you say, what is all this to the purpose?“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every TimeAbsentee Ballot vs. Mail-In Ballot: Is There A Difference?All Of These Words Are Offensive (But Only Sometimes)Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.Join our early testers! Synonyms for purpose at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. pepos 3). I’ve made mistakes, stayed in relationships too long, taken jobs or clients that were not a good fit, waited and procrastinated, held grudges, etc.

You might feel tempted to grab words from the list above and stop reading, but almost every organization working to put a finger on their organization’s culture will have a few negative aspects to address.

explicate. 1). roups 6). Synonyms: advisedly, consciously, deliberately… Antonyms: inadvertently, unconsciously, unintentionally… Find the right word. differentiate.

Synonyms for purpose include goal, aim, objective, idea, intent, intention, function, object, plan and point.

pour 8).

pure 9). supe 3). poser 11). repps 16).

rouse 15). spore 4 letter Words made out of purpose. Sometimes, the word for describes the purpose of a thing or answers the question "What is this thing (used) for?" pores 9). sprue 20).

repos 8). pours 12). #6WordGoal Click To Tweet. Because I want everyone to fully uncover and live their life to their fullest potential. I know, making mistakes is part of our education to be human.But the simplicity of only using 6 words to explain your purpose or a goal in your life is brilliant.As a speaker, the shorter the amount of time I have to speak, the more powerful each word needs to be.

Find more similar words at!

rose 6). A 10 minute speech is very different from a 60 or 90 minute speech. props 14).

popes 7). Expose Inspire Oppose .

This is tough but you’re right the simplicity makes it profound.Great blog, Laurie-Ann. euros 19). roues 5). purse 10). user 4).

But the simplicity of only using 6 words to explain your purpose or a goal in your life is brilliant. upper 17).

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