Once the spirit has been returned to the proper realm, move through the door at the other end of the hall to enter the master bedroom. He spots the missing thief's dead body and finds out that the murderer is an eyeless monster, only known as Iris' voice echoes as Geralt enters the house and, as he makes his way throught the house, he sees a wraith that appears briefly in a paintings.
His attacks are fairly slow and predictable, and the wider area of effect attacks are noticeably telegraphed beforehand and therefore easy to dodge. Regular strikes can be parried but not the charging strike. After the cutscene ends, slash your way through the spectres (Ghouls), then make your way up the steps to enter the dining hall.
The Caretaker is a formidable opponent, primarily because any of his attacks that successfully land will regenerate a large portion of his health.
Iris gives Geralt the rose and the entire painted world begins to crumble, and Geralt leaves the world before it completely vanishes. They warn him to beware of O'Dimm and, should he stand in O'Dimm's way, the witcher should "seek salvation in glass that can't be broken." After defeating the last phantom, a cutscene will trigger an Geralt will return to the yard of the manor. The connection that Iris has to the rose is so strong that it binds her to the world, so should it be taken, she and the painted world will cease to exist. Follow the trail of the dragged body down the steps and around the south corner of the manor until you reach a gate. After moving through the door into the hall, you'll have a short mini-boss fight with a very angry If her health gets low, she'll activate a healing portal in one of the four paintings along the walls. Dodge backwards (don't roll - the circle isn't wide enough to merit that) to avoid taking damage in the circle and regenerating your enemy's health, then wait for him to execute his energy wave attack once more. The best strategy for efficiently defeating this boss is to constantly retreat down the long pathways in the garden, then avoid his special attack and rush in to deal damage.
As he replaces the missing items, he causing the specters to reenact each memory, allowing Geralt to see how the couple's marriage began to deteriorate over time, how Iris' family didn't approve of Olgierd as her husband and how Olgierd tried to use magic to summon Geralt finally reaches the final memory where Olgierd left a letter for Iris, stating he was leaving her with only a letter and a rose to remember him by as he didn't want to hurt her further. Geralt can choose to either take the rose to give Olgeird or not. Question about 'Scenes of Marriage' quest (HOS) Hearts of Stone.
Olgierd once again has a mission for Geralt to complete. Head upstairs into the master bedroom and pick up the Follow the specters out of the bedroom and into the drawing room across the hall. Scenes From a Marriage The Witcher 3 Guide. Move through the burned-out study and onto the balcony, then head back inside via the entrance to the guest bedroom to your right. ... Back to The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone guide. This post is about the quest titled "Scenes from Marriage", which is probably one of … 0.
Close. Pick up the chalice lying on the left from the easel and the bowl of fruits behind Iris and place it on the table near Olgierd: the apple on the right side, the grapes on the left and the chalice in the middle. After arriving on the other side of the painting, make your way down into the garden. Interact with it to begin the burial ritual. Go through the door to the right (near the front of the building) to enter the main hall, then head up the stairs and follow the landing around to the left. For each memory, Geralt encounters a frozen scene with certain elements of the scene missing. If Geralt decides to take the rose, Iris gives it up willingly. After defeating the ethereals, Geralt finally meets Iris, who holds the violet rose. Post Comment. The Witcher 3. Try to avoid hitting the inactive ones; you will quickly get swarmed and will likely die even if you have a Severance-enhanced Whirl. Once the spectres have been dispatched, head into the house and examine the dining table scene. 2. Pick up the When the cutscene ends, interact with the portrait of the snowscape on the wall to avoid being burned alive. During Scenes From a Marriage, while walking around the back garden, this can be picked up. If Geralt decides to let Iris keep the rose, the dog and cat will be resigned to their fate to watch over her, hoping another in the future will free them. Begin the quest by heading to the von Everec manor. After arriving at the Von Everec estate, dismount your horse and speak to the peasant shouting into the garden through a hole in the wall.
It's one of 3 items (the others being a sketchbook and portrait) that can later be put on Iris von Everec's grave. Attacking the dormant ethereals will cause them to awaken. Make your way up to the front doors of the manor and use your Witcher Senses to inspect the broken lamp in front of the door. Scenes From a Marriage is Hearts of Stone’s largest quest and will send you on your final one to fulfill the wishes of Olgierd. 13. After avoiding the attack, sweep back in to deal damage while he recovers, then avoid his rejuvenation circle and await another charge.
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