However, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of bees before inviting them to your property.There’s still much we don’t know about these fascinating creatures, but one thing is sure, bees are mighty little creatures who defend themselves with ferocity.Here are the tips you need to know and teach your kids, and any other person that might be on your property fairly regularly.The first thing you must understand when raising bees or inviting them to your property is they aren’t pets.Many people assume because these creatures make us delicious honey, they fly around flowers, Therefore, if you get in their way and make them feel threatened in the slightest, they’ll defend themselves for the good of the hive.It’s also important to remember when a honey bee stings you; they insert their stinger into your skin. All you're going to do is give them time to get hundreds and thousands more. Don’t panic or begin to swat if they do. Nicole Sorenson of Bee Busters, a bee removal company that was called in after the incident in California where a

A bee will only sting if it feels it or the colony is under threat. What should you do?

It does no good to …

While the stingers are in your skin, they’ll continuously pump venom into your body.

Remain calm and only react if you’re feeling confident the bee perceives you as a threat.Many times, you can deter a bee attack by merely running, heading for brush, and eventually indoors until the bee moves on.

This can be the difference between a close encounter and a life-threatening situation.The blast from the extinguisher can be enough to kill the bees which are attacking you. Jennifer is a full-time homesteader who started her journey in the foothills of North Carolina in 2010. I was stunned by how far they followed me, but thankfully, I was able to run into the house to escape all but a hand full. Your answer will be used to improve our content.

Grab an extinguisher as quickly as possible and spray in the direction of the bees, and the person being attacked.Once the bees have simmered down, grab the individual, and take them to a shelter where no other bees can follow.One huge mistake many people make when being chased or attacked by bees is jumping into water.

If it offers any relief, it’ll be extremely temporary, and could cause greater harm in the long run.When you finally escape the bees which have been hunting you down, be sure to remove the stingers. There are quite a few issues with this line of thinking.First, many people get attacked around their homes. Many people have apiphobia — or a fear of bees — and other people are highly allergic to the insect’s sting. In these cases, it’s important to head for any brush or trees you can find.Sometimes, I’ll run into the tree line.

"When you get stung, you don't have time to futz around with a wallet to find a credit card," he said. She says the bees …

It's very important to call somebody any time you see any kind of bee activity," she said.

Head for Shelter. “They navigate the world through odor,” he noted. If you’re swatting at the bees, you’re only agitating them more, and not doing anything to get them away from you.Avoid this natural reaction when being stung. Be sure to hunker down in the shelter for a decent period of time to give the bees a chance to go back to their business and forget about you.As mentioned, we raise bees on our farm.

Jennifer is an avid canner who provides almost all food for her family needs. In most cases, the bee will follow you, and any other bees it alerts.Which is why it’s important to run instead of swat. Some folks just seem to attract bees like moths to a flame. However, don’t be surprised when they get territorial over it. I’ve been in this particular situation as well.When raising bees, they’re great for your garden. It’ll make everything worse.

Just get out of there," said Schmidt. And no, it doesn’t help if you kill an attacking bee. They’re also complex, and scientists still don’t understand everything about them.However, when a bee ‘bumps’ you, it could be for numerous reasons.

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