I didn’t deserve that shit after what I’d done and everything I’d been through.”In light of revelations about his state of health at the time, it does seem an unusually abrupt way to bring such a longstanding partnership to an end. On August 21, 2012, he was admitted to Mercy West hospital in Des Moines, diagnosed with some form of leg paralysis but unaware of exactly how or why this was happening to him. You live your life the way you want to, and get the work done! Unfortunately, when Slipknot announced on December 12, 2013, that they were to forge ahead without their talismanic drummer, those rumours seemed to gain a little extra momentum. Not just have a phone call or some stupid email.
I’ve got fans I’ve got to take care of, you know? I’m happier than I’ve been in years. Why did Joey Jordison leave the band slipknot? I can’t imagine just sending Corey or Shawn or Mick a fucking letter, without a band meeting. “My lady has everything documented. All I got was a stupid fucking email saying that I was out of the band that I busted my ass my whole life to fucking create, you know?“It was the weirdest fucking thing. But the thing is, you get up in the morning and you look in the mirror, and then you go off and fucking do it. As much as his successor, Jay Weinberg, has acquitted himself brilliantly while filling the shoes of a contemporary drumming legend, it’s hard to deny that most Slipknot fans would be beside themselves with joy if Joey were to return to the fold.

We used to sit up all night long planning this shit and what we wanted to do.

"In between touring and writing new material with Slipknot, Jordison has also committed time to his new band Scar the Martyr. “Yeah, and that’s why I love being able to do this interview, because finally I get to tell the fucking truth!” Joey … This being the age of endless social media speculation, his disappearance and departure from Slipknot have been widely discussed online, one commonly espoused theory being that the diminutive drummer had gone spectacularly off the rails and was simply unable to fulfill his usual duties, thus prompting his bandmates’ decision to effect an unexpected lineup change.In truth, only Joey’s closest friends and business associates know what he’s been up to for the last couple of years, but as he warmly greets “It was at the end of the memorial shows we did for Paul,” Joey begins, referencing the death of bandmate Paul Gray and the subsequent world tour that began in the summer of 2011 and continued until August 2012. But, according to the drummer, no one got back to him to discuss the new songs: subtle evidence, perhaps, that wires were distinctly crossed.“They got confused about my health issues, and obviously even I didn’t know what it was at first,” Joey sighs. What else can I say, dude?

It’s very emotional. It’s fucking hardcore, man.”Since that startling news broke in December 2013, Joey has been conspicuous by his absence from our ears, eyes and screens. Secondly, never underestimate the strength, persistence, passion and potential of the human spirit.“The most pertinent lesson of all, however, is one we all should have learned a long time ago: Joey Jordison is an unstoppable force of nature and, after fighting the toughest battle of his entire life, he’s primed and ready to make up for lost time and to remind the world that loud, angry, fucked up and furious music remains the best medicine of all.“I have this weird-ass condition, but it doesn’t limit me and I’m getting better all the time,” he concludes with a confident grin.
“They thought I was fucked-up on drugs, which I wasn’t at all. There’s no point in saying, ‘Fuck them!’“No, I’ve been through so many things with those guys and I love them very much. What’s hurtful is that the way it [being fired] went down was not fucking right. Slipknot fans worldwide are still reeling from last month's news that drummer Joey Jordison had left the masked nu-metal giants and while speculation still runs rampant as to … I’ve been like that since I was five years old, man.“Right now, I just want to keep creating. But the love in my heart for those guys, that stays the same.”It is at this point that Metal Hammer asks the inevitable and unavoidable question: despite everything that has happened, would Joey be willing to rejoin Slipknot further down the line? They’re my brothers. In 2013, it was announced Joey Jordison was leaving Slipknot for personal reasons. Ten days later, he was transferred to the neurological unit at University Of Iowa Hospital in Iowa City, understandably terrified and extremely confused about his physical deterioration.“It was fucking bad, dude,” he recalls. “And I think it’s great! Since then, a successful musician who has chosen to remain silent about the subject, finally told the truth of the incident.

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