It was interesting to hear about the statues. There are no ponies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Easy to find internet access though it might be slow. Wow that is so cool but I have to think about my wonder. Author of thank you for the wonders,

25aug18--A Thank You to our host, Te Moai Sunset, Easter Island , Chile. The moai are interesting to me. We thought the time lapse video was put together really well. A small, long-legged chicken reported to have laid blue eggs was introduced in pre-European times but later interbred with European varieties. Mrs. Witkowski's 4th graders We were so excited to see that today's wonder was about Easter Island. For centuries, the island -- also called Rapa Nui and Isla de Pascua-- was a barren wasteland: a blank canvas for the hundreds of moai that lined its cliffs and beaches. Sheep were especially numerous for almost a century after foreign ranchers began commercial ranching in 1870; sheep ranching came to an end in the mid-1980s, but cattle ranching was

P.S. :)Great question from our Wonder Friends in Mr. Ambrosier's 2nd Grade Class!

By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Hello. We Wonder what your favorite part of today's Wonder is?

I had no idea Easter Island really exsisted! We would like to know if you can visit Easter Island and see the statues up close?

Easter Island got its name from the Dutch admiral Jacob Roggeveen, who landed there on Easter Sunday in 1722 [source: Metropolitan Museum of Art].

We didn't see any ponies on the video either. 35 records found for S Easter Island Cir, Englewood, FL 34223. We have a little while to go, but we hope you'll stop in to celebrate with us! I think the next wonder should be about plagiarizing or something having to do with court that would be good but I liked learning about the easter heads or moais; Cool story, but why have we not built cities and stuff on the island yet?-_- i like it We think that tomorrow's Wonder will be about Sand Dollars, scuba diving treasure hunters, under water pirates, sunken ships, treasure, Jake and the Never Land Pirates,TV Shows where they bury treasure, Gold Miners, or Sponge Bob's encounter with the Flying Dutchmen. How cool! The name “Easter Island” came from Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen, who was the island’s first European visitor on Easter Sunday in 1722.

We are glad you asked! Today, Easter Island is believed to be the most remote inhabited island in the world. I wonder if someone will use a time machine to go back and help the native Rapa Nui people move with advanced technology. We can't believe that these statues could have been moved without today's machines, wheels, or animals.

I always wondered about the Easter Island statues and how they where formed. It was fascinating to learn that it took a year for 6 rapa nui carvers to finish a moai statue, and that they probably represented deaceased leaders from a particular native family.

We enjoyed pronouncing some of the words in this wonder and laughed a little when we realized that Mrs. The tallest Moai erected, called Paro, was almost 33 ft (10 metres ) high and weighed 90.4 tons ( 82 tonnes ).

:)Hi there, Dazy, thanks for sharing all your suggestions for more Wonders! We sent you SMS, for complete subscription please reply.Almost all of the statues were carved out of solidified Although many statues remain in the quarry at Rano Raraku, many others were transported to other areas of Easter Island. We can't wait. Keep up the great work-- we LOVE when our Wonder Friends use their imaginations in creative ways! Yesterday's wonder was amazing.

See you tomorrow! but is rapa nui a person? Check back for new Wonders of the Day and have more fun learning and WONDERing! HOORAY for excellent Wonder guesses from Wonder Friends!

Stoneless surface There is no natural harbour, but anchorage is found off Hanga Roa on the west coast; off Vinapu and Hotu-Iti on the south coast; and off Anakena and in the Bahía la Perouse on the north coast.

Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. :)What great guesses our Wonder Friends in Mrs.

This is a heads up for bla! Geologic and oceanographic evidence shows that no perceptible emergence or submergence of the island’s coastline has taken place since the last fall in sea level, which occurred less than 10,000 years ago.

The Easter bunny. Thanks The island stands in isolation 1,200 miles (1,900 kilometres) east of Pitcairn Island and 2,200 miles west of Chile. :)We are glad you learned a lot from this WONDER, dd! Today's Wonder made our heads spin!

We look forward to WONDERing again soon-- thanks for your SUPER guess! We're glad you have enjoyed our Wonders in the past few days.

"The island’s local Polynesian name is Rapa Nui. WOW THAT'S COOL BUT HERE IS A QUESTION WHAT WAS YOUR VERY FIRST WONDER? The original Rapa Nui vocabulary has been lost except for some mixed Polynesian and non-Polynesian words recorded before the Tahitian dialect was introduced to the decimated population by missionaries in 1864. It’s a special territory of Chile that is famous for its 887 huge statues — called moai — that were created by the early Rapanui people between 1100 and 1680." :)That's WONDERful news, Lauren!

Dear Wonderopolis, Keep up the great WONDERing-- we will see you soon! Wow that weird can't wait for wonder 2000 All you need to do is click on "Wonders" as the top of the page, and you can scroll or search for your Wonder of choice: :)That's great news, thanks for WONDERing with us, Sam C! We are glad you shared what you learned about Easter Island and what you found interesting!

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