I remember when mum took me shopping locally, and I saw some small proper flakes fall from the sky for a time. Like many other places across New Jersey, Basking Ridge was coated with snow on April 2, 2018, thanks to a rare spring snowstorm.
All rights reserved ( (Len Melisurgo | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com)This was an early April storm, but it’s worth noting because it was one of the biggest spring snowstorms on record in the Garden State.The storm hit on April 6 in 1982 and dumped 4 to 10 inches of snow across most of central and northern New Jersey, with some northern areas getting socked with 10 to 20 inches and southern counties whitened by 1 to 4 inches, according to a snow map from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.A headline across the top of The New York Times on April 7, 1982 declared “Rare April Blizzard Punishes Metropolitan New York” and noted the storm dumped about a foot of snow and brought record-cold temperatures to the metro region.Four students pose with snowballs on the Cook College campus of Rutgers University after a strong spring snowstorm hit New Jersey on April 6, 1982. Skip to main content. Although there were no official weather monitoring stations operating in High Point in Sussex County that year, there were reports of as much as 10 inches of snow falling in that area on May 9, 1977.According to a front-page article in The Star-Ledger on May 10, 1977, the “bizarre” May 9 storm dropped a light coating of snow across most of New Jersey, and enough snow fell in Vernon Township for kids to build a snowman.An article in The New York Times called it “the latest spring snowstorm ever recorded in the New York metropolitan region” and noted the storm “blustered over much of the Northeast yesterday, closing schools, snarling traffic and cloaking newly plowed fields and the delicate blossoms of May in a harsh reprise of winter.”Although the newspaper reported that New York City received “a quarter-inch of precipitation” on May 9, records at the National Weather Service show only a trace of snow fell that day in Central Park. 1 week later and temperatures were in the mid 20's C.I recall back in June 1965 when I was on a course at RAF Leeming North Yorks some large flakes of white stuff floated down from the heavans, as a slight passing shower - I enquired about it at the time and it was suggested that it was soft hail but it looked like snow to me. Take control of your data:The Rescued Film Project acquires abandoned rolls of film and develops memories feared lost forever and now the photos are transported into the digital age. Weather history for places in New Jersey. But it is noteworthy because the National Weather Service lists this as the latest spring day that any measurable snow was recorded in Newark. Above 300m or so however there was temporary lying snow both early a.m and again in the afternoon after heavy snow showers.that was the year of photographs of the cricket at Buxton (then a country ground for Derbyshire) held up with the whole ground snow covered.
In fact, the latest recorded snow on record in Pittsburgh happened on May 27, 1961 which was a trace, meaning it was not measurable. The last measurable snowfall that took place in Atlanta on Christmas Day was in 1882, when a 1/4 inch of snow fell. Dig this though: In nearby Eureka, … The National Weather Service considers measurable snow an accumulation of 0.1 inches or more.Many locations from the Rockies to the northern Plains, northern Great Lakes and northern New England have received their earliest measurable snow in September.Here are a few of the cities and the specific date of their record earliest accumulating snow:Although it's not shown on the map, Great Falls, Montana, once received measurable snow as early as Aug. 22. Here are a few of the cities and the specific date of their record earliest accumulating snow: 1.
(Those weather records go back to 1931. While the April 15th - 16th snow event did not break all time latest snow records, it did break a few daily records. Marquette, Michigan: Sept. 13, 1923 4.
While the April 15th - 16th snow event did not break all time latest snow records, it did break a few daily records. A New York Times article in May 1977 referred to a spring snowstorm in New Jersey on May 10, 1906. ! Those weather records go back to 1945.In an article in April 1983, the Times of Trenton quoted a weather service specialist at the FAA Technical Center in Pomona as saying the latest spring snowfall recorded in the South Jersey region was a dusting of snow on April 27 in 1967.Robinson’s climate stats at Rutgers show 0.5 inches of snow was measured that day in Trenton, and more fell in North Jersey, including 5.0 inches in the Greenwood Lake section of West Milford, 4.5 inches in High Point and 1.3 inches in Boonton.This article in the Times of Trenton bemoaned a storm that dropped snow on parts of New Jersey on April 18, 1983.This was a small storm, but a late one, with 2.5 inches of snow measured in the Layton section of Sandyston in Sussex County and 1.6 inches of snow recorded in the Culvers Lake section of Frankford in Sussex from April 27 to April 28 in 1932, according to Robinson’s records at Rutgers.A late spring snowstorm on April 29, 1909 dropped 8 inches of snow on Layton in Sussex County, 4.5 inches on Newton, also in Sussex, and 0.7 inches of snow in the Passaic County city of Paterson.An article on the front page of The Star-Ledger on May 10, 1977 declared "BIZARRE WEATHER IN JERSEY" after a very late spring snowstorm hit New Jersey.To all the skeptics out there who think snow can’t fall and stick to the ground in May in New Jersey, you are hereby proven wrong!
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