Yeah, I know- cliche. What kind of food do you enjoy eating? I have also published a hub of my Biryani recipe. I also don't eat fish. Food is odd.
It seems to me that the beautiful fruit / vegetable is a complete food.
1196 days ago Or maybe you’d like to explore buzzy diets like Paleo or Keto to get lean or lose weight. I like food for Just Kidding. Pepperoni pizza. To provide a better website experience, uses cookies (and other similar technologies) and may collect, process, and share personal data. or??? Recently tried pea soup. So tell me what is your favorite food.Do you like pumpkin or apple or mincemeat? IELTS Speaking Mock Test # 20 Part 1- Introduction & Interview: Q. I do take fish oil supplements for the omega's, but they've been purified and are burpless.
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For lunch, I prefer home made foods, I like all spicy foods, like Curry, tomyam, sambal with rice.
1311 days ago A. I mostly like to eat homemade food that includes rice, fish, bread, vegetables, curry, sweetmeats, noodles, salads and cheese. I don't like mystery meats....meats mechanically and chemically altered to resemble meat. So a meal is like your drink, your food, and it has the nuance that you are actually sitting down and taking time to eat. I love different vegetable recipes! Actually, I like Indian the best: fresh ingredients, spiced well but not to's a pretty staple dude. Meat, cheese, and bread. You can't go wrong with pizza. IT'S THE PERFECT FOOD!
Are Prepared Meals a Good Match for You? Yet remarkably, the fact that cooked very quickly.External beauty begins with our health! I still gag if a lake or ocean smell a bit fishy.
omg i 'm a vegan that is so weird! Also it is rich in vitamins and minerals and a ready source of energy because of its sugar content. Try it, delicious!fried chicken. Do you like healthy and delicious food? My favourite Indian dishes are homemade Fish Fry and mutton biryani. Sadly he's deceased so He can't make it but, at least I got the recipe before his death. I do Food is just the actual things your eating. My family and I will have pizza this evening, as part of our Christmas Eve celebration. It said: I love junk food and Mcdonalds! I eat a lot but it says I dont drink milk.. Do I have to only Choose ONE ? LoL, You like alot of things and that's good. I like Chole Bhature a lot with Green Chilli.Oh, you said food... not dish. I hate junk food and I eat super healthy, if I pick Chocolate as a snack it makes it seem as Im unhealthy. That is just my opinion though. It tastes very good. It has all of my favorite things: bread, marinara sauce, cheese, and veggie toppings...though my favorite type is Hawaiian pizza. I'm not vegan, I'm just... a picky Vegetarian. Sometimes I make my own food because i like to cook and bake. I BET YOU WOULD LOVE THE JUNK FOOD. I guess my favorite food would have to be my dad's lasagna. Easy to make, cheap, and you can make a ton of it.Good Question. Perhaps I should tell you what I don't like. For dinner, still rice.I like Indian Food the best for its unique taste and diverse flavours. I love desserts, especially those that combine fruit flavors with chocolate, like lemon cheesecake with a chocolate brownie crust. Hungryroot meals were the fastest to prepare, hands down. I also like Chinese and Italian food.I love to eat seasonal fruits. Why would anyone want to turn a turkey into a pig? 462 days ago
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