A yellow musk zombie is a rotting creature from which wet green vines have sprouted.

The complete Roll20 conversion contains over 400 creatures (including unique entries for all variants), as well as full rules for advancing monsters, adapting monsters to … Hello!

A Yellow Musk Zombie is a rotting Creature from which wet green vines have sprouted.

Yellow musk creepers were unholy vines whose flowers resembled orchids. And its a good poison too.

But not just wild shape into one by youself.Here is another plant creature I like to use on occasion:Yup yup. You can become a plant. Since I'd essentially be in humanoid form ... cast spells with verbal and somatic components?3. Mon–Fri, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific (425) 250-0800. customer.service@paizo.com Need Help? A yellow musk creeper is a deadly plant found in places where death is common, like well-known battle grounds and cemeteries. A victim reduced to Intelligence 0 becomes a yellow musk zombie in 1 hour under the control of the creeper that created it.

Does this require my arms to be freed up, or can the slam be a kick or a headbutt, similar to an unarmed strike? Treat a yellow musk zombie as a standard zombie, but with this special quality.

Yellow musk zombies lack undead traits, but gain plant traits.

Zombie CR 1/2. Plant Traits (Ex) This zombie’s animation is provided not by necromancy but by the plant that grows throughout its body. This attack inflicts 1d4 points of Intelligence damage per round.

Our player wants to play it right. I just like it for its 3 poison attacks. Creating a Yellow Musk Zombie “ Yellow Musk Zombie ” is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal humanoid , monstrous humanoid , or aberration (referred to hereafter as the base creature) that has an Intelligence score of 1 … 1) Can't be templates. Yellow Musk Zombie. A yellow musk zombie is a rotting creature from which wet green vines have sprouted. While looking for good medium plant creatures to emulate, it dawned on me that I could just turn into a 2. Yellow musk zombies are not damaged by positive channeled energy, nor are they healed by … AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12 (+2 natural) hp 12 (2d8+3) Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3 DR 5/slashing; Immune undead traits.

Paizo’s Pathfinder RPG Bestiary is the must-have companion for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
Yellow musk zombies have pale yellow skin and stark white eyes.

They procreate by targeting nearby humanoids with their pollen spray, causing their victims to become temporarily entranced. Yellow musk zombies are creatures that have been transformed into their current state by a yellow musk creeper. Yellow Must Zombie also isn't a Plant type creature. Plant Traits (Ex) This zombie’s animation is provided not by necromancy but by the plant that grows throughout its body. Group is having a question about if the Yellow Musk Creeper's: Create Yellow Musk Zombie is a death effect or not for the purposes of raise dead. 1. Yellow Musk Zombies come with a slam attack.

These zombies serve the plant as a guardian for several days, but when new zombies are created, older ones wander off into the surrounding wild, collapsing and breaking apart within 2d6 days to give seed to a new yellow musk creeper.

The yellow musk zombie appears much as it did in life, wearing the same clothes and carrying the same weapons it had at the time of its creation. If the yellow musk creeper is slain before the yellow musk zombie rises, the transformation can be prevented by the casting of neutralize poison followed by a … Not even true zombiesin the undead sense, these animated bodies are more akin to plants, the result of hundreds of fast-growing tendrils planted within them by the parent yellow musk creeper plant.

You should be able to make the zombies, however.#2: Not Applicable, but even if it were, it would depend greatly on the state of the corpse.#3: As stated, slams are made with the arms except in special situations.2. The Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules.

Channel energy cannot harm a yellow musk zombie, for example, nor does negative energy heal a yellow musk zombie. When a creature is reduced to 0 Intelligence, it dies, and the tendrils break off inside its brain. Plant Traits (Ex) This zombie's animation is provided not by necromancy but by the plant that grows throughout its body. can the slam be a kick or a headbutt, similar to an unarmed strike? Yellow musk zombies lack undead traits, but gain plant traits.

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