You get the most out of it by taking a long time to work on the puzzles explicitly presented, and a few hidden puzzles which are there, but only hinted at.
I enjoyed Strange Loop, but not nearly as much as GEB. By exploring common themes in the lives and works of logician Kurt Gödel , artist M. C. Escher , and composer Johann Sebastian Bach , the book expounds concepts fundamental to mathematics , symmetry , and intelligence . Everything feels overstated, but I do like the main thesis of it, and occasionally there are some really nice and subtle points. I get the same feeling that you get. Each book stands on its own.So, given your specific situation, I would suggest IAASL this summer.Honestly, it doesn't really matter. I consider both among my absolute favourite books, but for very different reasons. The concept of a strange loop was originally developed in his 1979 book Gödel, Escher, Bach. Where the ideas in GEB could feel too distilled at times, the ideas in It's also less mathematically rigorous, which I don't like. (I then immediately read I'm about halfway through it, and although it has many compelling ideas I don't like it as much as GEB (not that I expected to). He wrote GEB in his 20's and he wrote Strange Loop recently. Which one should I read first? However I find the writing style in "Goedel Escher and Bach" to be too distracting and "I am a strange loop" to be too gee-whiz pop-sciency. I read GEB first, but I didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

I feel like we, as a species, are on the brink of developing AI that is ‘conscious’ and I want to devote my academic and professional life towards studying that development.It seems like GEB would be a great resource for understanding many important concepts behind ‘consciousness’. ««I» am a Strange Loop» is a Strange Loop: { Self-reflecting Loopholes | Feedback | Augury | starLingual Murmurations | Spy vs. Spy' } « It occurred to me some time ago, in developing this lexicon for Ark Codex, that one way to circumvent the issue of apparent unreadability in my natural way of writing was to put things between quotes. I find Hofstadter's concept of strange loop and how it explains consciousness to be very compelling.. He clearly was using his worldview from GEB about what minds really are to cope with the loss of his wife. I Am A Strange Loop attempts to correct this problem by better illustrating how inanimate matter can lead to animate beings with awareness and consciousness. Many people to whom I've talked about it prefer it because it requires less (and less repeated: GEB rewards rereading) engagement.
)I did, and I highly recommend it. I could either read Strange Loop before my college semester starts. Strange Loop is a nice trade off though -- much more to the point, and a much more "brisk" read compared to GEB.I'm currently going through 'Surfaces and Essences'. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. If you have a casual curiosity about Hofstadter and his thought, then IAASL first, and possibly nothing else, is the way to go.GEB is a tougher work in a few ways. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. question has hounded me ever since I was scribbling its first drafts in pen I’m currently in college studying Cognitive Science and Computer Science. I think he would say it's the hallmark of his style. I could either read Strange Loop before my college semester starts. Let's start with Gödel, Escher, Bach. While GEB was much more fun to read and engaging, it does feel a bit scattered at times and kind of fizzles out by the end. I Am a Strange Loop is a 2007 book by Douglas Hofstadter, examining in depth the concept of a strange loop to explain the sense of "I".

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