Illinois, IN, IO, KA, Maine, Mass, MI, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, NH, NJ, NY, ND, OH, OR, Pennsylvania, RI, SD, UT, VT, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and that of the states outside Continental United and Research.The Order of the Golden Circle is the women’s auxiliary of the United Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Inc.I believe in God, the Grand Architect of the Universe. The United Supreme Council (AASR-SJ,PHA) Grand Orient of the District of Columbia held it’s 2016 Annual Session at the Omni Shore Hotel in Washington, DC from October 8th – October 11th.

THE UNITED SUPREME COUNCIL. The Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, USA (commonly known as the Mother Supreme Council of the World) was the first Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.

The Northern Jurisdiction consists of the following states: CO, Connecticut, DE, ID,

States. MD, MS, Missouri, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV, the territories of Arizona, New Mexico, the District of Columbia, and Alaska. For the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction U.S.A.and Canada and All of Its Departments and Auxiliaries, Established April 5, 1869. United Supreme Council - Welcome - Masonic Organization. We start by identifying the people and places most in need. I believe in Prince Hall Masonry; a door of benevolence, securely tiled against the unworthy, but open wide to men of good rapport, whether Aryan or Hottentots. In return of that confidence, I pledge to all the members of the United Supreme Council, 33° of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction that I will do my utmost to fulfill the duties of Sovereign Grand Commander with respect for the members and a keen focus on the future. We go directly into communities and learn about struggles, needs and aspirations, then pair those most in need with proven, practical solutions to help them move forward.Our Vision is to secure the future by enhancing the Scottish Rite experience. c/o M.W. The Southern Jurisdiction for the United Supreme Council, PHA, consists of the states: AL, AR, FL, GA, KT, LA, Feel free to browse the photo gallery for the weekend’s activities. The Beginning and the Ending. St. John Grand Lodge, A.F. The Alpha of the un-reckoned yesterdays, the Omega of the impenetrable tomorrows. We then work closely with our partners to find solutions that combine bold thinking with real-world experiences.

Its funds provide the support of two extremely important programs: Education & A.M. 3501 12th Street N.E. Its official full name is "The Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors General Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the Thirty-third Degree of the Ancient an… It is operating under the supervision of United Supreme Council. UNITED SUPREME … The United Supreme Council Foundation is dedicated to transforming the lives of children, families, veterans and our aging population through improving their education, health and family economic stability. The Supreme Council, Scottish Rite, Northern Jurisdiction, based in Lexington, Massachusetts, oversees the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in fifteen states: Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Wisconsin and Vermont. Our mission is to be United in Service and Commitment through Action, Accountability and Sustainable Results.Our guiding principles look to balance tradition and innovation to grow the Rite; working at all levels from Sublime Princes to Sovereign Grand Inspectors General; Collaboration across Orients and valleys to improve sharing and growth; Leadership through stewardship and incorporating feedback throughout the Jurisdiction to improve our organization.Browse through our gallery and enjoy images from various events that have taken place this year. IN WAKE OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC, I WANT TO SHARE A WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT TO THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE UNITED SUPREME COUNCIL AASR NJ (PHA).AS WE FACE THESE UNPRECEDENTED TIMES, I BELIEVE IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE CONTINUE TO REMAIN FAITHFUL TO THOSE TRUTHS THAT GUIDE OUR EVERYDAY LIVES.WHILE EACH OF US WILL DETERMINE WHAT THOSE TRUTHS ARE, I HAVE BEEN DEDICATING MYSELF TO SELF REFLECTION ON WHAT ARE THE IMPORTANT THINGS IN MY LIFE. We start by identifying the people and places most in need. Alaska shall belong to the Northern also.Every year the United Supreme Council, via nominations from the various Orients elect to elevate certain nominees to the honorary 33rd degree, Grand Inspectors General.The first Scottish Rite organization among African-Americans was the African Grand Council of 1820 in Philadelphia, which was referred to as a Council of Princes of Jerusalem.The Foundation is the principal philanthropic entity of the United Supreme Council. AS I REFLECT ON THE REALIZATION OF MY OWN MORTALITY, MY ANSWER HAS BEEN FOUND IN PRAYER.The United Supreme Council Foundation is dedicated to transforming the lives of children, families, veterans and our aging population through improving their education, health and family economic stability. United Supreme Council Museum. ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE. SPECIAL EDITION. Washington, DC 20017 Get in touch with The United Supreme Council, AASRM, 33rd And Last Degree Of Freemasonry, For The Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction, USA to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.

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