he gave it a right hammering, survived for 3 years and a couple of trips to the alps before he snapped the chainstay (however he got a new stylle remedy frame replacement frame fom trek under warranty so wasn't unhappy!)
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Suspension, geometry, wheels, and tires are very good indeed.However, it is not long in the current ‘long reach’ spectrum with only 420mm of reach for a 17.5-inch frame.
Als waschechte, moderne Allrounder stellen sie den unterschiedlichsten Budgets und Fahrstilen einen optimalen Begleiter zur Seite. Auch modernste Technologien kommen hierbei zum Einsatz.
Both 2018 & 2019 models show 43.3 in the geometry table.
Market research and rider feedback has indicated that aggressive female riders want the same geometry and performance as the main line.
Downhill performance is decent and the ABP suspension is exceptionally plush and it feels like riding on a cloud.
The big Achilles heel of dropper post limitation (at 125mm drop for most) has somewhat been addressed with longer travel dropper seatposts from Bontrager.
I have one lined up that looks pretty tidy almost unused for a 6 almost 7 year old bike. Sie vereint niedriges Gewicht, zuverlässiges Handling und ein leistungsfähiges Fahrwerk zu Bikes, die im Gelände ihresgleichen suchen.
521. The Trek Remedy 8 is a prime example of an accessible trail bike. Trek Remedy 8 Gr.
Je steiler der Steuerrohrwinkel, desto agiler der Lenker. The Trek Remedy is near and dear to many Trek fans since it is a bike that stamped Trek’s arrival in the all-mountain bike scene. More responsive dampers, along with more refined air springs like DebonAir, offer the tuning ability and performance benefit our engineers originally sought to achieve with Full Floater. Shimano 105 Bottom Bracket Cups. Da aber jeder Trail andere Ansprüche stellt, kann eine Möglichkeit, die Geometrie Deines Bikes an die jeweilige Strecke anzupassen ganz neue Dimensionen eröffnen. Die Bikes der Remedy Serie sind robuste, schnelle Mountainbikes, mit denen Du jeden Berg problemlos erklimmst.
And the Knock Block limiting the range of the handlebar steering is an annoyance compared to the competition.But riding the top of the line $7k Remedy around in Mammoth in difficult conditions, this big, capable bike was supple, agile and easy to ride well.The founder of mtbr and roadbikereview, Francis Cebedo believes that every cyclist has a lot to teach and a lot to learn. Tri Bike Run - Juno Beach.
Noch immer teuer. Hier verfügt Trek ebenfalls über eine besondere Expertise, denn das Unternehmen schrieb mit dem ersten in Serie produzierten Carbonrahmen Fahrradgeschichte.
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So bleibt Dir allzeit eine aktive Federung erhalten und eine bestmögliche Traktion offeriert geschmeidiges, kontrolliertes Fahren. All of these effects are experienced most dramatically on long travel bikes, like Remedy and Slash. If your shopping for a new bike, you might want to put Tweenbike at the top of your list of “must have” features.Is the chainstay length truly shorter? Join us at the water cooler to catch up on the latest and swap stories with Trek fans from around the world.
i rode it once or twice and it rode very nicely for a bike of it's age. Erhalte spezielle Angebote, exklusive Produktnews und Veranstaltungshinweise direkt in dein Postfach.
£200 for a single replacement lever body to fix a leak!
durchgestrichenen Preise entsprechen der UVP des Herstellers.
Der Name Remedy steht bei Trek seit Entwicklungsbeginn für das eine, allumfassende Mountainbike. This allows the rider a more forward position during climbs, weighting the front wheel more and unloading the rear suspension to make it more efficient.
Zudem verfügen so gestaltete Rahmen über keinerlei sichtbare Schweißnähte und sparen obendrein noch einiges an Gewicht ein.Die "Active Braking Pivot"-Technologie ist von Trek patentiert. The Trek Remedy is near and dear to many Trek fans since it is a bike that stamped Trek’s arrival in the all-mountain bike scene.
$59.99. The fixed mount opens up the lower frame area, giving us more opportunity to design a stronger, stiffer frame and chainstays.
The seat tube has been shortened by 10mm and the Bontrager dropper’s stack height has been improved allowing a 150mm drop for most Medium-Large size riders.Climbing has been improved with a 1 degree steeper seat tube. my mate had one of the old style remedys (like the 2006 model) as his firts full suss and swore by it. The Trek Remedy 8 in detail. Ein einfaches Drehen der Gewindemutter ermöglicht eine Veränderung des Lenkwinkels um bis zu 0,5 Grad und der Tretlagerhöhe um bis zu 10 mm.
People like to talk junk on Trek, but trek puts a lot of reserch into all there bikes, the remedy 5 is proof. It is a refined and dialed iteration of the impressive Remedy line.
Die breiteren Ausfallenden, 148 mm hinten und 110 mm vorne, ermöglichen das Fahren von breiteren Reifen und größerem Kettenblatt. I wouldn’t buy a new bike that wasn’t a Tweenbike because it gives me the choice of using either Plus or Narrow tires. We rode Powerfly one day and then Remedy the next at Mammoth, so a bit confused with the photo.
The B-Rad system from Wolf Tooth can easily be installed using the threaded inserts on the underside of the downtube.
OCLV steht für "Optimum Compaction Low Void"-Carbon und inkorporiert eine extreme Festigkeit, Steifigkeit und Stabilität. 1.050,00 € gebraucht.
A huge group of riders can have fun on this rig and that is a high compliment.
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