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D G A G A To - night, to - night, Won't be just any night.
Artist: West Side Story. Sheet music arranged for Piano/Vocal/Guitar in Ab Major (transposable). SKU: MN0105019 This is the original key of the song. SONGLYRICS just got interactive. [Verse] G A9 Tonight G A9 Tonight, G A9 Won't be just any night G Em7 F#m F9 Tonight there will be no morning star Bb Tonight C9 Tonight Bb Cm I'll see my love tonight Cm7 Cm6 D D7 And for us stars will stop where they are Eb Cm6 Cm Today the minutes seem like hours Bbm The hours go so slowly A A7 E7-5 And still the sky is light D7 G A9 Oh moon grow bright G Em7 Bm Am7 And make this … published key) LongfieldTONIGHT from "West Side Story" of Leonard Bernstein.
Did you find this review helpful? G Em F#m F7 To-night there will be no morning star Bb C Bb Cm7/D# To-night, to-night, I'll see my love to-night Cm7 Cm Am7b5 D And +7 Eb Major (3 flats)
Leonard Bernstein tabs, chords, guitar, bass, ukulele chords, power tabs and guitar pro tabs including america west side story, somewhere, tonight, i feel pretty, maria Hi. Musicnotes Pro This is a solo arrangement. +1 A Major (3 sharps) Heyo!
This version might seem a little complicated but it is worth it. Review: RIFF-it. West Side Story - Tonight Lyrics. Look at the bottom of the song for definitions of complicated chords…
8 available keys +6 D Major (2 sharps) Genre: Pop. Lyrics by Stephen SondheimThe Broadway Sound: West Side Story (Balcony Scene) - BBC Proms 2012Kathleen Ferrier - "Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen" (Mahler: Rückert-Lieder) - with lyricsJune Anderson - "Tonight" - West Side Story - BernsteinAll contents are subject to copyright, provided for educational and personal noncommercial use only.Chords for West Side Story (1957) -Leonard Bernstein- Tonight Become a Member Today! Listen while you read! Highlight. Become a Musicnotes Pro - Plus member today and receive PDFs included with every song plus take 15% off all digital sheet music purchases! RIFF-it good.
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If you are looking for the full duet this is not for you. [A F D G E Abm B Gbm C Dm Eb Dbm Ab Fm Gm Gb Db Bb Cm Em] Chords for West Side Story (1957) -Leonard Bernstein- Tonight with capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. -3 F Major (1 flat) Andy Williams – Tonight (From West Side Story) Lyrics Tonight, tonight, won't be just any night, Tonight there will be no morning star Tonight, tonight, I'll see my love tonight.
So since the majority of the backing of this song follows the melody, some creative liberties were taken.
I was, unfortunately, looking for the authentic version which is entitle "The Balcony Scene."
Includes 1 print + interactive copy with lifetime access in our free apps.Tonight from West Side Story - Digital Sheet Music
-1 G Major (1 sharp) +2 Bb Major (2 flats) Print and download Tonight sheet music from West Side Story. Ab Major (Orig. Album: Miscellaneous. $5.79 Did you find this review helpful? +4 C Major
"Tonight" - Leonard Bernstein "West side story" 22/12/2013 Thessaloniki Concert Hall"West side Story" - Somewhere (Adagio) Leonard BernsteinTonight, from West Side Story - Mormon Tabernacle ChoirTonight (from West Side Story) by Bernstein/arr.
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