© The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System You are currently offline. The Word Entropy of Natural Languages Christian Bentz Department of Linguistics University of Tubing en Tubingen 72074, Germany Dimitrios Alikaniotis Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK June 23, 2016 We here use parallel texts of 21 languages to establish the number of tokens at which word entropies converge to stable values. The word entropy of natural languages - NASA/ADS The average uncertainty associated with words is an information-theoretic concept at the heart of quantitative and computational linguistics. Agreement The entropy has been established as a measure of this average uncertainty - also called average information content. The entropy has been established as a measure of this average uncertainty - also called average information content.
The word entropy of natural languages Christian Bentz, Dimitrios Alikaniotis (Submitted on 22 Jun 2016) The average uncertainty associated with words is an information-theoretic concept at the heart of quantitative and computational linguistics. These convergence points are then used to select texts from a massively parallel corpus, and to estimate word… A Comparison Between Morphological Complexity Measures: Typological Data vs. The average uncertainty associated with words is an information-theoretic concept at the heart of quantitative and computational linguistics. Language CorporaInDetermination : Measuring Uncertainty in Social Science TextsUniversal Entropy of Word Ordering Across Linguistic FamiliesA Maximum Entropy Approach to Natural Language ProcessingMeasuring semantic content in distributional vectorsComplexity and universality in the long-range order of wordsAn Evaluation of Methods for the Extraction of Multiword ExpressionsAutomated Multiword Expression Prediction for Grammar EngineeringEuroparl: A Parallel Corpus for Statistical Machine TranslationAn Estimate of an Upper Bound for the Entropy of EnglishDiscriminative Training and Maximum Entropy Models for Statistical Machine TranslationBy clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our The ADS is operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory under NASA Cooperative
Our results help to establish quantitative language comparisons, to understand the performance of multilingual translation systems, and to normalize semantic similarity measures. These convergence points are then used to select texts from a massively parallel corpus, and to estimate word entropies across more than 1000 languages. The entropy has been established as a measure of this average uncertainty - also called average information The average uncertainty associated with words is an information- theoretic concept at the heart of quantitative and computational linguistics. Some features of the site may not work correctly.The average uncertainty associated with words is an information-theoretic concept at the heart of quantitative and computational linguistics. The entropy has been established as a measure of this average uncertainty - also called average information content. The entropy has been established as a measure of this average uncertainty - also called average information content. We here use parallel texts of 21 languages to establish the number of tokens at which word entropies converge to stable values. The average uncertainty associated with words is an information-theoretic concept at the heart of quantitative and computational linguistics. We here use parallel texts of 21 languages to establish the number of tokens at which word entropies converge to stable values.
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