Abduwali Abdukhadir Muse the son of Adar Abdurahman Hassan, claims that his story hasn’t been told. They put me in a place they call SAM's (Special Administrative Measures) alright. They don't want all those things to come out. During the hijacking and hostage drama of the Maersk Alabama, one of the ship’s crew stabbed Muse’s hand with an ice pick and tied him up. U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates also asserted that the three dead pirate suspects, who remain partially unidentified, and Muse were all between the ages of 17 and 19.

Surviving pirate Abduwali Muse was held on USS Boxer and was eventually flown to the United States to stand trial. According to a prosecutor, “he gave wildly varying ages for himself but finally admitted he was 18.”

That smile intrigued me and I decided to find more about Muse himself.

In telling Muse’s story, I hope to put a face to modern day piracy and tell the story that is missing from the headlines.

Prosecutors brought charges in a federal courtroom in New York City that included piracy, conspiracy to seize a ship by force, and conspiracy to commit hostage-taking.

Abduwali Muse graduating with his GED on February 20, 2017.Captain Phillips Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

Sony Pictures have made several attempts to meet the real Abduwali Muse, but he declined, believing that they were just going to portray him as the bad guy. "His dream has come true, but he comes to the United States not as a visitor, but as a prisoner," Reza said. Muse twice tried to commit suicide under SAM’s and was showing signs of PTSD. The indictment does not name the two vessels involved, hijacked in March and April 2009. She indicated he was only 16 years old, and that his name was Abdi Wali Abdulqadir Muse.

The Captain, Richard Phillips, wrote a book called a Captain’s Duty, about the hijacking episode and was lauded as a hero but soon after the crew of the ship came out with a conflicting version of the episode, a version they say they had previously sworn to take to their grave. On April 20, 2009, CBC News reported that U.S. officials indicated that investigators had confirmed Muse was over 18, which precluded additional legal steps to prosecute him. According to the When initially captured, U.S. officials reported Muse as being 16 to 20 years old, and that his name was Abduhl Wali-i-Musi.
I was intrigued enough to want to make a documentary about him, the working title, no coincidence:  "When Muse was first arrested there was an issue with his age because he said he was 16 years old when first arrested and his parents also said he was 16 years old so his trial kept being postponed to find out his real age. For example, Muse says he was kept in solitary confinement for more than a year under what the U.S calls SAM's (Special Administrative Measures) used mainly for terrorist suspects and he says this was done to make him confess his age. In an interview with the BBC Somali service, Muse's mother also appealed to the U.S. government and president to free her son, asserting that Muse had been lured into pirate activity by wealthy unnamed criminals. Muse claimed he was very remorseful about what happened but missed his "friends" who were killed by the Navy. The crewmember said Muse pleaded with him to take him to America. They just want to be using they don't want my story to come out. In a court ruling on April 21, 2009, U.S. Magistrate Judge Andrew J. Peck decided Muse was not under 18 and that he could be tried as an adult.

Muse's mother, Adar Abdurahman Hassan, tells a different story.

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