Totally fits the interface and it’ll fit the database for awhile. If I want to look at my most liked tweet, I need to look at all the old batch data, but also any real-time tweets that I’m doing So it’s 2013 Sam Ritchie is a mechanical engineer by training is uncle is Dennis Richie, and he’s working at Twitter, and his job is just translating from one system to the other from real-time to a batch job.

Like that’s kind of odd. All of our Mice are Broken. Investor Balaji Srinivasan is a highly original thinker in Silicon Valley on Biotech to Blockchain and everything in between. You know, if you really simplify what we’re dealing with here,  you’re writing code that is generating for some key, tweets per user, per hour, something that happens. And that comes up all the time. And that’s like our own work before the 60’s when structured programming just became a thing.So I think to go forward like there’s always going to be new discoveries to be made, but one very, very fruitful thing to do. One is like all, all-time before a couple of hours ago, and then you have a bucket for each of the recent hours. Balaji Srinivasan - The Heretic & The Virus. I just add them to the set and then I can combine sets by just getting rid of them, like doing a distinct.Yup. But in fact, there are other fields that have been obsessed with this idea of, you know, structure and relationships between things.

Like it just consumes your life writing, you know, backfill jobs and you kinda, you, you stick to really simple things because you know, you’re gonna have to write them twice. This is still a very small interface to enable distributed computing.It’s a very well defined interface, but it’s, it’s I really think of it like, Portal. And you look through and like you weren’t creative at all.Like you just made a thing that like million, you know, millions of other galactic civilizations and made before, like that’s good. You can calculate things on years of data, but doing the calculation might take a day.

And you know, phase one was just write something that can do, you know logically you’re doing the same thing. Podcast page for this episode is here. Offering multiple ways to consume an episode is a must. Why do I say it’s like intimately tied? Is to turn around, look back and find these things and say, well, is there an interface I could discover that someone’s already found that would let me just plug into this incredible, almost battery of human creativity that, you know, that just exists waiting for the, taking in maybe dusty old papers and books, but it’s there.

Yeah, I love that.

If $10.00 is too much, pledge the minimum you can just to send a message of solidarity.

Exactly. It’s that you can plug things in.

Probably because of the scale that they operate at and the realtime nature of the Twitter feed tBatch is very efficient. That institution is Sugar Baby University, a tuition assistance campaign that attempts to allow attractive young women, and a smaller number of handsome young men, find generous older men to date in the quest to complete a new version of the American Dream by graduating debt free in an era which has made it all but impossible to discharge student debt even in personal bankruptcy since 2005.This year, Sugar Baby University is 'graduating' it's fifth class with thousands of alumni in its network that stretches from coast to coast and includes institutions of higher education from local community colleges to research universities and ivy league colleges.

That’s a brilliant Feynman story.

There’s no sort of. Well, why is it easy like, well, a lot of problems are solved for you just because of the architecture you’re inheriting about how numbers are represented.Like if numbers actually took a ton more bits, if we hadn’t figured out like how to write things in binary, So counting lists, like adding lists is pretty hard or sets let’s have that example.If I want the set of how many followers I have, how many unique people have seen my tweet today? I’m posting the transcript because the podcast is excellent and a crappy transcript is better than no transcript. Like we want things where you can pause and wait a while and then load it back out and keep going.And yeah, these approximate data structures get you that ability. That method is add or sum. Here’s why transcriptions should be a part of your podcast gameplan:Move Your DNA has three cool features that make for a super easy Much like This American Life, S-Town – the new podcast from Serial – has all the subtle bells and whistles you’d expect from the brand. + Transcript + NASATV Home Page + (XML/URL) NASATV's This Week at NASA, November 19 - 25 + Listen Now + Transcript + NASATV Home Page + (XML/URL) NASATV's This Week at NASA, October 15 - 21 + Listen Now + Transcript + NASATV Home Page + (XML/URL) NASATV's This Week at NASA: September 10 - 16 + Listen Now This is all assuming we survive.

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