These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. The pound sign can be combined with a word such as #this to form a hashtag, although language purists prefer etiqueta, the word for label. “The” in Spanish The Spanish “the” is used just like we would in English. the girl).A definite article is a word that identifies a noun as as specific or known to the speaker (e.g. ; Y bien,¿nos contestará el Consejo estas preguntas de un modo Three of them - Amendments Nos 4, 5 and 7, referred to some of which had already been independent for some time, and others - de ellas independientes desde hacía tiempo, otras —Debemos detener, no reglamentar, las actuaciones de Para mí, sin embargo, las cuestiones de la transparencia y some of which had already been independent for some time, and others - de ellas independientes desde hacía tiempo, otras —Thank you for your answer, Mrs Neyts-Uyttebroeck, and for Many thanks for your answer, Commissioner, and for some of which had already been independent for some time, and others - de ellas independientes desde hacía tiempo, otras —Debemos detener, no reglamentar, las actuaciones de Para mí, sin embargo, las cuestiones de la transparencia y Motor tax general information tax general information situation is caused by socio-economic conditions, not by biological factors.Esta situación se debe a condiciones socioeconómicas, no a factores biológicos.This requires much greater funding than is proposed by the European Commission.Esto necesita mucha más financiación de la que ha propuesto la Comisión Europea.I should like to point out that the Commission is not in favour of guide levels.Me gustaría señalar que la Comisión no está a favor de los niveles indicativos.I believe that this support and this clarity are what the European public needs.Considero que la opinión pública europea precisa de este apoyo y esta claridad.We propose the adoption of a platform to monitor the implementation of the Pact.Proponemos la adopción de una plataforma para supervisar la aplicación del Pacto.We have an obligation to take initiatives that will safeguard their dynamic role.Tenemos la obligación de emprender iniciativas que protejan su función dinámica.However, we also have to recognise that there are factual inaccuracies in here.Sin embargo, tenemos que reconocer también que contiene algunos datos inexactos.Second, national parliaments will be more involved in the workings of the Union.Segundo, los Parlamentos nacionales participarán más en los trabajos de la Unión.I also consider it important to acknowledge certificates for on-board personnel.También considero importante reconocer los certificados del personal de cabina.Information provision and promotion measures for agricultural products (debate)Acciones de información y promoción en favor de los productos agrícolas (debate)It is crucial that the Member States act collectively with regard to this matter.Es esencial que los Estados miembros actúen de manera conjunta en esta cuestión.That is the vision enshrined in the European common foreign and security policy.Esa es la visión consagrada en la política exterior y de seguridad común europea.With its common market, the European Union has created unprecedented prosperity.Con su mercado común, la Unión Europea ha creado una prosperidad sin precedentes.The Commission takes note of this Parliament resolution and its recommendations.La Comisión toma nota de la resolución del Parlamento y de sus recomendaciones.Another thing required of the competent authority is the integration of controls.Otra cosa que se exige a la autoridad competente es la integración de controles.I voted in favour of this report, which recommends that this proposal be adopted.He votado a favor de este informe, que recomienda que se apruebe esta propuesta.It should once again be stressed that we are to vote on the texts of the report.Hay que hacer una vez más hincapié en que vamos a votar los textos del informe.We expect the Commission to take the principles of subsidiarity very seriously.Esperamos que la Comisión se tome muy en serio los principios de subsidiariedad.This ratification is, and will continue to be, a matter for the national states.Esta ratificación es, y seguirá siendo, una cuestión de los Estados nacionales.(!)

√ Over 1,500,000 translations.
√ Fast and Easy to use. This is called the “definite” article (because you’re talking about a particular thing, not just “a” thing). See 4 authoritative translations of The in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Translate The. Easy to use and free online, YourDictionary provides handy printable study guides, checklists and worksheets for all your Spanish language needs. The asterisk is simply asterisco.

Meaning and examples for 'the' in Spanish-English dictionary.

Spanish learners can expand their vocabularies with audio pronunciations, sentence examples, verb conjugations, translations and definitions. the girl).Hover on a tile to learn new words with the same root.Try Fluencia, the Spanish learning program from SpanishDict.SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website.we walked from the school/supermarket to the library¿quieres decir el profesor Bloggs del que tanto se habla? A definite article is a word that identifies a noun as as specific or known to the speaker (e.g. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content. The translation of 'the' in Spanish depends on what word it is being used in front of - in technical grammar terms, it depends on what word it is functioning as the definite article of. The backslash or \ can be called a barra inversa, barra invertida, or diagonal invertida, all of which mean "reverse slash."

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