1895. © 2020 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Advisor View Profile Executive Board. 1601 W Taylor St Chicago IL 60612 MC 912 1601 W Taylor St Chicago IL 60612 : 312-413-4580 hch@uic.edu: Wei-Yang Chen Postdoc Res Assoc weiyangc@uic.edu: Ying Chen Research Specialist in Hlth Sci PI Room 257 MC 912 1601 W. Taylor : 312-355-1492 yingchen@uic.edu: Hao Cheng Psychiatry Resident 623 NPI MC 913 130B NPI MC 913: 312-996-4981 312-996-7358

Hours Position; Taylor Holmes Tue 3:30-5:00pm President Jocelyn Bravo Mon 11:00am-1:00pm Vice President Daisy Stancheva Tue 11:30am-1:30pm Speaker of the House UIC menu. Name College Other Unit IAC Committee Comments; Ansari, Rashid: Engineering: Partnerships: Arena, Ross: Applied Health Sciences: Campus Int'lization: Comittee Chair

Chancellor officials, Coronavirus, Official Communications, Provost officials, Top Student News, VC Health Affairs officials, VC Student Affairs officials . Taylor Holmes USG President. iacost7@uic.edu: Jennifer Lynn Adams GME / Resident - Psychiatry 130B NPI MC 913 639 NPI MC 913: 312-996-3583 312-996-7718 jadams26@uic.edu: Joseph Thomas Adams Resident - Internal Medicine (Advocate Christ) 100 CSN MC 675: 708-684-5673 adams33@uic.edu: Raven Adams Resident -Pediatrics 1403 CSB MC 856: 312-996-6043 radams28@uic.edu: Cudjo Addo-yobo Once again, thank you to the voters that supported our vision and our mentors for believing in us. If you are looking to vote in the student elections, make sure you have access to UIC Connection prior to placing your vote. Meet the Members. © 2020 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois You can also find the link to the Nominating Signatures form as well as the Certificate of Academic Eligibility. UIC menu. Students who wish to submit a referendum to be added to the ballot in this year’s 2020-2021 Student Elections should complete the form found here: PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT A REFERENDUM FOR THE 2020-2021 BALLOT IS Hana Ahmed, elected Vice-President of the Undergraduate Student Government Wasan Kumar, elected President of the Undergraduate Student Government Jocelyn Bravo, elected Student Member of the Board of Trustees

Finally, thank you to the voters that supported our vision of working together to make our college experience better for us all.We ran on the vision of accountability, community, and engagement. 1894 graduating class, University of Illinois College of Medicine Caption: AGE QUOD AGIS, Class 1894 Faculty and Graduates College of Physicians and Surgeons. Eventbrite - Taylor Holmes presents Higher Education Candidate Forum - Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at UIC Student Center East, Chicago, IL. Taylor Holmes . My major is Political Science and Public Policy.

Cookie Notice. During the current crisis, these ideas are more important than ever. Thank you to our friends for playing a significant role in our late-night campaign meetings. This is why we are committed to representing student voices and communicating student needs to the UIC administration. 60607 IL Pronouns: She/Her/Hers. At UIC, many of our undergraduate, ... — Taylor Holmes, president, Student Advocacy Coalition, University of Illinois at Chicago. The EPC will certify the final election results and forward the information to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs pending all complaints have been reviewed and resolved. Advertisement. Faculty and Graduating Class of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Caption: Progressus Devotio, Humanitas. Taylor Holmes Undergraduate Student Member of the UIC Senate 696 **IMPORTANT VOTING INFORMATION** Student Elections are right around the corner! Taylor Holmes . UIC menu. We hope that you were able to join us for this week’s Virtual Town Hall initiated by the Undergraduate Student Government and we thank you for your participation.

We encourage you to stay connected to friends and classmates, reach out to your professors and advisors if you need assistance, or contact any one of us if you have concerns. Email: tholme20@uic.edu. This form To submit a form, share the link below with your academic advisor:Your academic advisor should click on the link, once they receive it, and log in with their netID and password to access the Certificate of Academic Eligibility form. Updated: Aug 10, 2020 at 04:06 PM Office Hours. Taylor Holmes, @thisisUIC student and president of @SAC_UIC, thanked state lawmakers "who supported higher education in our recently adopted state budget" and challenged them "to continue to support Illinois' students moving forward." Please have an academic eligibility form completed by your academic advisor. Thank you to the students that gave us a few moments of their time to discuss our ideas at the library, a place that we never thought we would miss so dearly. Spring 2020 Hours. 830 S Halsted St., Ummesalmah Abdulbaseer / Muskaan Chhibber / Jomarie S. Arban / Ainsley Adique / Isra Hasnain / Michael Martinez / Alan Sadural / Troy Tolentino / Juan Zavala Meet the Members. I am a Sophomore. We look forward to working with them next year on advancing our shared initiatives.

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