Also, Jiwon is by far not prettier than Jieyon. Its the fact, you can’t deny Qri’s visual is unbeatable.In the 2nd generation, there’s no such thing as a “line” … The only visual is Jiyeon. One of the best Kpop group of all time. it was proven last year. Create an account or log in to Instagram - A simple, fun & creative way to capture, edit & share photos, videos & messages with friends & family. Plaese choose something of these:Soyeon was supposed to be the leader for SNSD but she the top it says “consists of 6 members” but they only have 4 now can you put that picture for hyomin because can’t be seen very good I hope you edit the facts for Hyomin, Jiyeon , Ahreum … Regarding the N4 …? Aruem was threaten.BORAM = Vocalist(4), Sub rapper, Oldest. Thank you very much. I will wear it… <3”.In the ninth post, Eunjung shares three pictures of herself with a maple tree on 28 November 2017. So, stay tuned!The first T-ara member (or rather, former member) we discover is Boram, whose Instagram username is @bo_ram_0322. Instagram: bo_ram_0322 Sub-Unit: T-ARA QBS. hwayoung and her twin sis bullied areum, threatening to cut her face up. She plays as the girlfriend of Phillip.Jiyeon acted in “Master of Study” in 2010 as Na Hyeon JeongShe never debuted in T-ara (released song or anything) so I dont think it countsactually Jiwon was a Lead vocal (she became main vocal at UNIT due to her good voice),she also was a member who has a lot of fans since their debut thus she obtains Visual.Numerous of pages assume this.Jiae is a Main Vocalist and I think Areum is only a Lead Vocalist or Vocalist?It is true,T-ara members have not renewed their contract since december 2017,which means that they will disbandnot renew the contract does not always mean disbandment, Jiyeon even said that T-ara are not disbanded yet. Nope, all members will sign under different companies but still perform as a group when needed, and so do T-ara.not renew the contract does not always mean disbandment, Jiyeon even said that T-ara are not disbanded yet. In the caption, Eunjung wrote, “On the day of my birthday, dress? ) The day when my mother had a lot of trouble, I am very happy to give you happiness and I am sorry”. (center when taking group picture)After Soyeon and Boram left i Hyomin probably became the main vocal as she have most lines in What’s my name. In this article, Channel-Korea compiles T-ara members’ top 10 best photos which they have posted on Instagram. It seems like she hasn’t done anything since Produce 101 which is disappointingEunjung is one of the lead roles of the kdrama, Lovely Horror-vely. hwayoung is a liar……………….she never said she was bullied, rumors came up on their own and she confirmed on the unit she left because of mental issuesAnd the Areum scandal, when she was threatened by Hyoyoung (Hwayoung’s twin sister) she was the one who had mental issuesthanks for explaining and finding links to the issues. No one knows their position they would’ve got in T-ARA since they never debuted with T-ARA. – She was born in Seoul, South Korea. While wearing a black and white square-patterned loose shirt, and a black handbag on her left shoulder, Eunjung wrote a short caption: “12 days after 12 pm”.In the eight post, Eunjung shares three photos of herself with various kinds of frames, angles, and poses on 17 December 2017. Furthermore, All Girl’s Day members will not renew their contract but did they say they will disband any time? Anyways, it was nice finding your site!Eunjung now is Main Vocalist. Nope, all members will sign under different companies but still perform as a group when needed, and so do T-ara.Hwayoung is not the bad guy… just her sister.

Eunjung wrote a heartfelt caption: “I am very impressed with the little flowers in the award show yesterday. Hmm, aren’t you curious about Eunjung’s dinner mate, dear readers?In the third post, Eunjung shares two black and white mirror In the fourth post, Eunjung shares a beautiful picture of herself holding a bucket of flowers close to her nose, while closing her eyes and smiling calmly on 31 December 2017. Heo Jin Ho-Ho always in the middle” and tagged the Instagram users that she took the In the second post, Eunjung shares three photos of herself sitting in a restaurant in various poses, such as looking away, sipping her glass, and smiling in a blurry one.

– Family: father Jeon Yong Ruk (singer), mother Lee Mi Young (actress), a stepfather and a younger sister Woo Ram.

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