<>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 17 0 R 18 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Sign In. Please remember that summer reading is an expectation of all students. Summer Reading Program: Sophomores 2018-2019 Page 1 of 5 The goals of the Central Catholic High School summer reading program are to encourage students to read, improve their reading skills, and have knowledge of modern authors. Summer Reading List - 2019 Sophomores - Class of 2022 English: 10 Standard - T h e G l a ss C a st l e - Je a n n e t t e W a l l s E t h a n F ro me - E d i t h W h a rt o n 10 Honors - T h e B o o k T h i e f - Ma rku s Z u sa k E t h a n F ro me - E d i t h W h a rt o n S e ve n H a b i t s o f H i g h l y E f f e ct i ve T e e n s - S t e p h e n R . By Celia Fernandez Jun 12, 2019 The Best Books by Women of Summer 2019. English 2 CP: Choose TWO novels from the list. <>/Metadata 77 0 R/ViewerPreferences 78 0 R>> b���b����'����1�},e�?\^������.���L��1۲�z}�pl>����̹m��'�[D�t�Ȱл���`������q�E�{����Bײ�f�{��� b��ϟ�'�Ńiy��GZ�,zY��C2�� �Àr,�1Ó+S�Y.��|�� <8��N�ЇY� ʳ�j���[���s�܍#+�JQt���m@����oNA�ﴣQH͸��-[��2{�aʓ��+W�A����l� f�߽d׆��B4�ؙ�!�>�H1��^�Y�����AR� ��Lc��C�!�?Їq#mD6��:��b��]|H��M�����(F��<0I��#F�+ӳ3�7�R"[��+臬1�~�K2�W�)3��h�w/��l�*F��]R��m���a��X^ŋ�R�LlX�����q�@���32~m��@��k��� Go1m�����(X�)�E�� �E/*V-��\R��/H ��@�`�P%�p�c�1���;k��5�#�$ʊ�$%H�!TA^�FD���c�t)�^�������[�~"�Kq(�[�/��w'ҌO�p�-(��-�A%�3�r�Q�:la-`�^�L�Sj��˦LAj\����_�reF�/Ȟy�D૪�Y �\� Y�5%0q�Z�S-��[��.C�L+�l���Ġ�fY]K�$��!��t�Q�/ T�M���+i��-�� P�G���8�S7�$H-Ô��[n�O9o�a�h�N��!E �3&����鮏m�Br���t�o�ٸx>n��#A��&Im�M��A_��g'�i+��?�9���\������Θ��ܽ[�E��(G�h�v�A��)b�Ȃ�$���q���08f�lណ���F�x��m�l1��C[ܗ�&t#��{,�pې�j�XP��I �pF�k���HA(��B:���J��3��Q�aO�s�j3��0��z!�D��v�ӬU 32 novels by female authors you won't be able to put down this season. endobj 10 Summer Reading List 2019-20.pdf. English 10: Choose ONE novel from the list. O^iE��8O��6��o1���R֪��X1wZ�ߗ\�e�L� e���A�ϧ��5�vQ��A�2�J C���҅��M+ұ���+�(���ڍ��e��a�f���%-%^�Ʌ��C���Ą�wbiz ��vI�C&�0X�)�����m�-m�yP)��RbQ¥^M�bæ34�:C�j�Ŗ��|�*�B&� ���0]"8x���@��[�6�M����]m��iY�\X� �@K"=�\�*$ endobj Comments (-1) 9th Grade (Fall 2020) All students must read one book from the below reading list. Sophomore summer reading. <> Books shelved as 10th-grade-reading-list: Animal Farm by George Orwell, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. English 2 Honors: Choose TWO novels from the list.

��r��՛"���g�z�&� �ˢ������r5���8���Yh�"��c@�� Aug 14, 2019 Barack Obama's Summer Reading List Pays Tribute to the Late Toni Morrison. Students who read are better academic achievers and, for that reason, summer reading is essential. ��Am׹���ywAr����ˢEke%A�,�Y�� ��$D �Pv�އ|PP#Az�18`�X�FI�\[�W���z�y\ϟ�栄���4(�-;�}'J�CF��6��s��;��PZ$u͆M��q��� x��kOI�;�a���Y-���y�V�#�$����{+]�>8`�/�!� �~�UU?����"���gz�����g~z���ߏ��矣G/�/�{i��FdQ��Y5Y������C���{q���안D�^�� X�F�5����*)�,�N���I]�`�蒾����������|���Q�>�F�q,G��3]�rt��0>�F�����%|��|4���h ߟG'W��:>b� �����Wpv�MW���_�������L\^ʤ�G4iR�>�����(��V��,ɫ��������(KE�D�Le"k?��6(uR����R.�y��Nnd�� �nt�WUDeS%��z$�����4)|L��ӼDC��JGc�6[���s��.�|�c�G_�od�xo9�������O�N�)\�Fgh��������v��� Summer Reading Assignment: Sophomores 2019-2020 The goals of the Central Catholic High School summer reading program are to encourage students to read, improve their reading skills, and have knowledge of modern authors. Summer Reading List 2019 FRESHMEN Tattoos on the Heart (Fr. %���� 3 0 obj %PDF-1.7 Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Greg Boyle, SJ) SOPHOMORES Required: All American Boys (Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely) Choose ONE of the three books below Spare Parts: Four Undocumented Teenagers, One Ugly Robot, and the Battle for the American Dream (Joshua Davis) I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban All students are required to … 4 0 obj In the Language Arts Division we are a culture of readers and we look forward to hearing your thoughts about the stories and the topics you’ve read. endobj �؁}�nn7tug�1���2"װ� x�{��po�e =|�חW�&�НÝ����-�W#K"bE�|z�6R��Iw��+��U]��S�= �����g͏�r�:2i~���(���H��K�hB�3�y�7S 1.

Click on the Book Covers below to link to either a book trailer or Good Reads book review to find out more about these books! 2 0 obj The former president is turning to the late Toni Morrison's work this year. stream

1 0 obj Contemporary works are stressed. 10 Summer Reading List 2019-20.pdf. You are also required to read Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.

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