If however, they know where you live in UK (via your car insurance maybe?) Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts ... As far as I know all tickets come to your mail, but is there any other option to know if I have any unpaid speeding/red light fines? my question is, if i have committed any traffic violations unknowingly, how will i know about it?i will be going back to the US on business in a few weeks and do not want to be stopped at immigration.. this will be a business trip and i will not be alone.Did they send you the fine by post? I’d also be surprised if they could impose a fine on the car rental company as it was a seat belt offence which should relate to the person rather than the vehicle.As you can see from other posts, its never certain what will happen in these cases, but I’d be surprised if they could take legal action against you in Switzerland.No it would be the vehicle registration address- if you havent heard within around a month you’ve probably got away with it!Hi, I was on vacation in the UK over Christmas and somehow managed to venture in to the congestion zone of London twice in a rental car. The fine was 80 Euros which increased steeply if not paid within 28 days. I’ve never seen evidence of border controls being able to access any database relating to traffic offences, but if you were stopped by the police they would realise you had outstanding fines and would probably arrest you on the spot and you’d have to pay up before being released. If you’re working in Switzerland and living there though, the biggest danger is probably that they issue a warrant for your arrest if they can’t locate you to send the speeding ticket. 125$ for going 10 above the speed limit in a “village” (2 restaurants and 2 gas stations, that’s it, that’s the whole thing) is ridiculous. It simply isnt worth the authorities going to the trouble of trying to trace the registered address when they have no real ability to penalise the drive if the fine isnt paid.Never certain Bea, but if you’re not travelling to Canada again its highly unlikely the Canadian government could pursue the fine in Netherlands. What I would say is that I’m seeing more evidence that countries are prepared to pass debts to foreign debt collection agencies. I have a G2 license from the Ontario, Canada. As the car is registered in the Czech Republic, the UK authorities are unlikely to be able to trace you. If I were you I’d just avoid Hertz when you visit again.Thats interesting Peter -never heard of them charging extra for a handling fee. A friend just told me that in Canada there is a system where your credit card is somehow automatically charged for traffic violations.
He doesn’t have a uk licence just an irish one. If it was the owner, the rental company would have been landed with the fine and would no doubt have passed it on to you.More countries are now passing on fines to debt collection companies in the drivers own country so, if they really want to pursue it, I would guess that will be there next course of action.Thats the million dollar question Cam! 100 € ,1000€, more ? Traffic Fines & Fees in the Czech Republic. ... A payment demand can be converted into a speeding ticket and the local court may receive a request to punish the person who committed the violation.
My vehicle has UK plates and i have not registered the vehicle here..in Switzerland there seems to be speed cameras everywhere, i dont drive fast but quite often the speed limit can change serveral times on a stretch of road. If you drive in Ireland regularly and don’t pay the fine and get stopped again,a police check may show the outstanding fine and you could be arrested and made to pay the fine in cash or even held until a court appearance if you have multiple offonces.As the car is registered in the Czech Republic, the UK authorities are unlikely to be able to trace you. I’m also 32 years old but I haven’t been driving for very long. However, it sounds like you will probably be driving in NY State at some point in the future. These rental companies will also probably bombard you with emails and phone calls chasing their money, but unless you intend to return to their country and use their services again, the ‘blacklist’ threat obviously has less impact. Also if renting a car the previous rental company may have shared your info if they are landed with the unpaid fine.
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