He shares the layer of Shedaklah with the Lady of Fungi Zuggtmoy: the demoness rules the surface, whereas Juiblex's territory is entirely below ground. Masters of the Ooze can receive spells from Jubilex and are granted access to two of the following domains: Chaos, Evil, and Water. He himself hates almost everything else, preferring the company of his shapeless minions: slimes, oozes, jellies and puddings. Monsters 5e This online application will allow you to list and filter all the D&D 5e Monsters with severals options. He is constantly attended by and surrounded with all sorts of slimes and oozes.Check out our other SRD sites! Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A thrall of Juiblex is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor and with shields. Juiblex supposedly can swallow creatures alive, spits acidic secretions and causes diseases in his victims which can be almost instantly fatal.

Schwalb, Robert J. Class Features. Deep within the oozing form you notice several large red eyes.When confronted, he usually takes the form of a 12-foot tall column of bubbling and squirting ooze. Sickening Slime (Ex): A thrall of Juiblex can secrete a smelly slime that coats its body in a thin layer. He reverts to his true form if he dies. Most other demon lords do not take him seriously. At the end, you will get the option to select only some results to generate our own PDF or to print cards on Magic format.

"The Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Juiblex, the Faceless Lord." Juiblex's lair is on the 222nd layer of the Abyss, which he shares with Zuggtmoy, the Demoness Lady of Fungi.In Gary Gygax's Gord the Rogue novels, Juiblex … Jubilex is the ruler over all slimes, oozes, jellies, and other disgusting and foul ooze-like creatures. He has no plans or schemes: he simply wants to continue existing and destroying. Environment any (Abyss) Organization solitary or troupe (Jubilex plus 2–8 ochre jellies, 1–4 gray oozes or 1–4 black puddings and 2–6 lesser ooze demons) Treasure triple standard. However, the most prevalent theory is that they are originally the spawn of Juiblex, the faceless demon lord, and as such, to be given the same level of suspicion and distrust as a tiefling. Symbiotic Spellcasting. Followers of Jubilex are evil humanoids with an affinity for slimes, jellies, and all things that ooze. DESCRIPTION. Each time a creature takes damage from Jubilex’s acid, its clothing and armor take the same amount of acid damage. Other worshippers include a few goblin tribes. If you have G5 Chaos Rising by Necromancer Games you can allow clerics of Jubilex to select spells from the Ooze domain rather than the Water domain.

This relationship set by Gygax was carried on to the game's second edition, especially in the When Zuggtmoy was imprisoned in the Temple of Elemental Evil, Juiblex took advantage of the situation and went on to conquer all of the layer's underground holdings, and parts of the surface as well. In Gary Gygax's Gord novels by New Infinities, Juiblex is said to be a kinsdemon and ally of Zuggtmoy. A DC 38 Jubilex’s acidic touch deals 38 points of damage per round to wooden or metal objects, but he must remain in contact with the object for 1 full round to deal this damage. Even the other demonic rulers loathe to journey here. The save DCs are Jubilex is the ruler over all slimes, oozes, jellies, and other disgusting and foul ooze-like creatures. As a bonus action, each creature within 100 miles of the aspect that is a celestial or a user of divine magic (a cleric, paladin, druid, ranger, or some other class the DM deems appropriate) must make a DC 25 Constitution saving throw. Juiblex is one of the lesser demon lords. When you pick this subclass at 1st level, you can choose to replace your spellcasting modifier and Charisma saving throw proficiency with Constitution, as well as any other warlock ability that relies on Charisma such as Eldritch Invocations.. Consume. The target must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw. Any equipment he is wearing or carrying is absorbed by the new form. Ooze, slime, and pus constantly squirt and seep from its form. In the The Fleshless Brethren were a group of vile worshipers of Juiblex who successfully murdered half of the legendary Six from Shadow.Juiblex was later updated for the 4th edition ruleset in Dungeon #188.Stark, Ed, Chris Thomasson, Ari Marmell, Rhiannon Louve, and Gary Astleford. Juiblex spews out a corrosive slime, targeting one creature that it can see within 60 feet of it.

On a failure, the target takes 55 (10d10) acid damage.

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