Otherwise, we’ll assume you’re OK to continue.We also use some non-essential cookies to collect information for making reports and to help us improve the site. It is our first opportunity to really get to know a boat.
Was it rebuilt?How clean is the engine? Float boat off trailer and tie to dock. Check where it connects to the keel and where it passes through the deck for signs of leaking or corrosion.Do the locker doors all open and shut? It should barely move.

It is quite common for rudders to be water-logged, which can deteriorate the bond between rudder core and support tangs. If the hull is not clean it can be difficult to detect cracks. Check the fastener connection for indication of water intrusion through the fastener hole into the deck. How old are the batteries? Tap the rudder with a small hammer and listen for dull thuds, which indicate water intrusion. Check all winches.Check cracking in the deck around the grab rails. radar and gps, depth sounder and gps? There is no assumption of liability of any kind for advice given or opinions expressed in connection to this examination. If the hull is not clean or has a buildup of many layers of bottom paint, blisters can be extremely difficult to detect.Check for a crack between the hull and keel. We have been burned a couple of times by dishonest owners so we take their answers with a grain of salt and check everything no matter what they say.Check from multiple angles and in different conditions. Drain Plug. Ensure Boat Plug is properly installed Check Electrical System Check Galley / Heating Systems Check Gauges (i.e.

Walk on dock to boat – be careful, ramps and docks can be slippery. batteries) Check Fuel Amount Ensure Anchor is ready for use Check load of vessel and secure gear from shifting Ensure passengers know Emergency Procedures and Equipment Location Everyone put on a Lifejacket to check for proper fitting.
The thru-hull hose connection should have two gear clamps. Check the trueness of the shaft. There may be nothing you can do in the survey, but it could become a bargaining point later.Check around the interior of the boat for water stains. Remember, not all boaters, or passengers, have the same experience or comfort level. Keel bolts are not often replaced, but it is a good idea to check them at least every ten years. The movement of the tiller or wheel should be smooth and easy. Lift the sole panels and actually visually inspect where the compression post of the mast connects to the keel and to the deck. Use this app to check that your boat is in good condition before headed out in the waters as part of an annual safety inspection. Stainless steel will rust under plastic sheathed life lines and you might want to consider replacing them if they are more than 10 years old.Check sealant around the windows or discoloration, discontinuity or cracking. 2. How old are they? The blisters are often only slight undulations and can be hard to see. Pull hard on the grab rails and note any deck deflection or movement of the rail itself. A chainplate issue can be a big deal, so if in doubt seek professional advice.Check the connection above and below deck of the mast. Often boats glance off docks or other obstructions and create scratches or chips in the gel-coat. Can you see the tops of the keel bolts? Tahoe Boat Inspection Capacity Limited, Boaters Cautioned to Expect Delays June 26, 2020; Tahoe Boat Inspections Opening for All Boats June 26 By Appointment June 19, 2020; Inspection Stations Prepare to Open, Boats with Seals Can Launch June 10, 2020 Is there room for additional batteries?Check the wiring behind the AC and DC panels. Are their signs of terminal corrosion or dried powder on the tops of the batteries? What is the core material? Is the cushion foam firm/comfortable?Does it have a shower or hot water? Is it worn or stiff?

Slowly drive vehicle forward and park. Be CAREFUL of handle spinning out of control! The boating checklist app is a useful companion to the small boat inspection checklist. Are the bolts thru-bolted or are they cast in place. Check the connections for signs of leaks and deterioration. Check for corrosion and hose connections. You can easily customize this app to meet your specific requirements. Note any deflection. If we are happy with the result of our survey, we’ll make an offer on the boat and make a term of the offer our approval of a professional marine survey. They can be very expensive and require additional fuel lines, not to mention an exhaust port or chimney. Check carefully at the connection between the steel cable and the turnbuckle. The turnbuckle might have a hairline crack in it, or you’ll see a broken strand or two of wire.Check the condition of the running gear. It is also easier to spot any leaks or other issues. Do they have winch covers (this will prevent salt and grime entering them when they are not being used). Can you smell oil or diesel?What kind of spares come with the engine? Tap over the whole deck with a 4oz. Conducting a marine survey can be a very fun task.

What type of metal is the keel bolt? When were the thru-decks last replaced?Pull laterally on the stays and shrouds close to where they connect to the chainplates. If it is at a slight angle, there may be a problem.Shake the rudder back and forth to check how much play is in the bearings. Also check the bow area and front of the keel for any cracks or signs of stress.Scraping bottom paint is a time intensive job. How warn is the drum? Shake the strut back and forth, does it move?Is there water in the bilge? By Kevin Falvey. Do they network with each other, ie. We always conduct a mini-survey and have some idea of what the boat is about, but it’s not until we get down to the nitty-gritty that we really see what’s going on.We have developed a list of actions and things to look for in a full blown marine survey. If it moves, there is an attachment issue. Most of time there is no problem.Check around thru-hulls for any indication of damage, failed sealant, corrosion or blockage. If not, it could suggest a deformation of the hull or deck and should be investigated further.In what condition is the upholstery.

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