To tell to the truth, in all this excitement, I forgot, myself. Import marked., s/n S1615xx 40 S&W; 99% blue, like new bore, like new grips, 4'' barrel, This pistol appears in like new condition with the original blue S&W case. In the episode, Homer purchases a gun to protect his family, of which Marge disapproves. "The Cartridge Family" is the fifth episode of The Simpsons' ninth season. With a stainless body and hard rubber strippled finger groove grips.

The bottom of the barrel is grooved and the bottom of the frame... With Matching numbers. Comes with a... 41 Magnum; 99% blue, excellent+ bore, excellent+ grips, 6'' barrel, 3-screw, pinned barrel with raised rib and countersunk cylinder. Some very minor sharp edge wear on gun from ‘box scuffing” The box is... 9mm; 98% blue, Excellent bore, Very good + grips, 4.9'' barrel, Walther P.1- (2nd Variant) Post War Manufactured. Fixed blade front sight with V notch rear sight. Springfield US Army uses the Colt M16. Walther PPK . Red ramp front sight, whit outline micrometer rear sight. .22LR; 90% blue, very good+ bore, very good+ grips, 5.5'' barrel, The metal finish has light muzzle and high edge wear.. The left side of the barrel has SMITH & WESSON and the right side of the barrel has S.& W... Good jobBefore I even read the caption I just saw the picture and I was like “what in the fuck”It’s the Simpsons that’s the joke.

Pinned barrel with no rib. Specially made for RSR in 1988. Add to Basket . With matching serial numbers. The barrel and the slide both have an EAGLE / N insp proof. .38 Special; 94% blue, excellent bore, excellent grips, 6'' barrel, This revolver has a very light muzzle wear, and slight high edge wear on the front of the frame. The front sight has been altered and the rear sight has been replaced. 22LR; 97% blue, excellent bore, excellent grips, 3'' barrel, Bright blue finish with case color hammer and trigger. ?And this is what happens when gun nuts forget the Simpsons is a satirical showThe creators of the Simpson's are like all have master's degrees in math and are all super smart people, either way wouldn't surprise me though. Seems to me they doing fineIt’s like those Nerf revolvers that have no barrel and a cylinder the size of a tankard that would apparently be great for .50 BMGGuaranteed win in Russian Roulette as long as you don’t go first.The Simpson’s writers are not morons, and as with many Hollywood actors, writers, and producers, they are not all from Cali. congrats. Very light patina on right side of muzzle. In very good condition. Grips appear original with metal clip... Right side is stamped with 2-Eagle/N, CAL.22 long rifle, left side with, "Walther" banner logo with the two-line Walther slide... With no reinforced slide. We and our partners operate globally and use cookies, including for analytics.For a list of the categories of personal information that we collect from you and how we use that information, please review Complete the form below to notify iFunny of a claim relating to your intellectual property rights and content or some technical inconvenience with the service.Feeling poetic today? Slide is not reinforced. Single shot break action, pumps the forearm to chamber a round, and then proceeds to rattle off shots like a semi-auto. The left... 22 LR; 99% blue, excellent bore, 4.5'' barrel, Walther GSP .22 Conversion Kit and Scope and two magazines. The bore is bright and difined. 32rf; Excellent bore, Excellent + grips, 6'' barrel, Smith and Wesson- No.2 Old Model Rimfire- In Excellent overall condition. Has flat-sided barrel. Comes with an extra... Has matching serial numbers. Comes with Black holster and extra magazine., s/n 126xx Crown/N proofed. The finish is matte black with a blued slide side. Original fixed front and rear sights. A Walther PPK is seen in the hands of Jack Bauer in "24 Minutes" . An assasin that tries to kill hitler in seat pulls out Mauser C96 pistol and died by spear that abe is thrown. 32 ACP; excellent bore, excellent grips, 3.3'' barrel, Walther PPK Zella-Mehlis, RZM, bright nickel or chrome finish with white grips and magazine extension. 44 S&W Special; 98% blue, like new bore, excellent+ grips, 6 1/2'' barrel, Pre model 24, 5-screw, special bright blue finish. The barrel has an extension and weight. Comes with extra magazine and black leather holster. with-out rein-forced slide. The left side of the barrel has WALTHER BANNER – CARL WALTHER WAFFENFABRIK / Ulm/Do made in... Very tiny British proof marks. 38Sp; 95% blue, excellent bore, excellent grips, 5'' barrel, The metal finish has slight muzzle wear, and wear on the front side of the grip frame. The rest is problem free. Simpsons Comic magazine subscription offer - annual and gift subscriptions available. Made in France under license by Walther, this is the French-made version of the P.38. The front sight is a blade and an adjustable u notch rear sight. For the revolver, I strongly believe two reloads are more appropriate.

The finish shows muzzle and edge... Just like when Moe pumps his double-barrelTake a look at this beauty. Matching numbered parts. 17 round magazine capacity. The left side of the barrel is... Mild edge and muzzle wear, right grip has some scratching. And the left slide... Patridge front sight,... 9mm; 96% blue, Very good + bore, Excellent grips, 4.6'' barrel, Walther P.1 Post War Manufacture date (6/1966). Checkered walnut S&W medallion and diamond insert grips. Intended or not. 9mm; 96% blue, Excellent bore, Excellent grips, 4.9'' barrel, Walther P.38- Post War manufacture Dated 12/1958. Comes with extra magazine and a black leather holster. With no reinforced slide. £6.04 +p&p. Thats the joke. This piece is is excellent mechanical condition.

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