On this day, during WW II, in 1942, a German U-boat, sank the British ship ‘The Laconia’. The HMS Laconia was a British troop ship and it was carrying several thousand soldiers and sailors. List of shipwrecks: 1 June 1942 Ship Country Description Alegrete Brazil: World War II: The … He also called in an Italian submarine in the area to help in the rescue operation.The German sub immediately informed the Allies by morse code that they had surfaced for humanitarian reasons, to ensure that they were not attacked by any Allied planes or ships. In total, more than 1400 men died when the Laconia was sunk. Despite this the B-24 bomber ignored it- he believed that it was a ruse. This meant that the there was no ships or vessels in the area to rescue the many soldiers and sailors in the water. The commander of the German sub, Capt. This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. There were also many Italian Prisoner of War on board the ship. You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries. An American B-24 Bomber was sent to the area where the Laconia was sinking. The HMS Laconia was a British troop ship and it was carrying several thousand soldiers and sailors. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The list of shipwrecks in 1942 includes all ships sunk, foundered, grounded, or otherwise lost during 1942. The sub attacked the ship with torpedoes and they hit the Laconia’s stern below the waterline. He issued an order that no more efforts be made to help any survivors from sunken ships in the future because of what became known as the ‘Laconia Incident’. Korsholm ( Sweden): World War II: The cargo ship was torpedoed and sunk in the Atlantic Ocean 70 nautical miles (130 km) off Cape Canaveral, Florida by U-123 ( … The German commander was appalled that he had probably killed and endangered the lives of so many Italian allies. This meant that approximately 1400 men were doomed to drown in the icy South Atlantic waters.The supreme commander of the German U-boat fleet, Doenitz, had been monitoring the rescue efforts. The lives of all the passengers some 2200 were placed in danger. This category has the following 200 subcategories, out of 273 total. Werner Hartenstein tried to rescue as many of the survivors as possible, this was because he realized that there were many Italian POWs on board the sinking ship.The Laconia was a former Cunard White Star passenger liner that was requisitioned by the British Royal Navy and was used as a transport ship for British troops. The Laconia had no defense against the U-boat. In total, more than 1400 men died when the Laconia was sunk. He was angered by the B-24s attack on the U-boat that had been trying to rescue people from danger and death. It was heading for England when it encountered U-156, a German U-boat or submarine. The ship began to sink very quickly.The U-Boat commander began to rescue the many men and sailors in the water. 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