However, for more detailed information, employers should refer to applicable provisions under Title 29 of the OSHA standards (also listed on page F-4 of this document). All mooring, transfer and safety equipment for STS transfer must be checked and prepared ready for use prior to arrival. Q�������=T3��Ľd�)�+C���4;c����ȫn�x�;�B�D�(�S�!�w�Aԃ�I2�ۻ��|�K���%�?�� B�U��ݤ�O�)"�s��\0�';A�Q9��k+ݢ*J��.�I��12���2�����'Ń˧x������rY�fI��q�B�ŷr�lDŽ��[qo��4�����2H?.=����SJ���k~@zqJ��b����>�?f�?i�?���ꥏ��#�Xiu$[r�V�MADU�zN2�$I��>F���,`��!z�l�[Q��&�F� c�S/�dK���v�Ж0�8@�$A|�`�`sZ4��T^�%Y#�� RXؤ����'�{ZX����mm�H��X��_ͣ��0IQ��Bd� ����7���Cd,�B$�.D����:�,�b��1�s�t����t�A�%�il���k ��N�BM�ht:Ir� � Chapter 25 The Ship/Shore Safety Checklist . (��)Jr���w�l�FRD�6�!ʭ78�*x�Ij����YD)1��[�L��"���`v˔�8b�st~�;p������HqgR�"��ogU����j�jeI����K7�U�I��w�6�!w��}$� �Tw����H��f�[�"AZ���*'՗�L� Ensuring maritime safety and serving as a ship’s safety officer is a big job that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Procedures and checklists detailed in the ISGOTT Manual and the OCIMF Ship-to-Ship Transfer Guide are to be followed on both vessels involved. 0 1 0 obj All phone/radio communications and agreements for routine operations should be positively recorded on safety checklists and in log books 9.

a satellite ship earth station through which continuous distress alerting by satellite is available. Vessels passing safety checks are awarded a U.S. Coast Guard / Auxiliary Decal that informs: o r . ?MТU� �1��EJ#�F��}����P %%EOF Example safety letter. S 40. o>e���p` �D�K��m�I�.6*��8?�f����}�eC�\�҄��NnrT�����nM�)�VA{���l��2��QAa=״�E��|m�t��S�р>7��/台�P��=�o��:�7�٘��j8�7`�G� ������0�:m KI�h�\�R�^~ĥ�-��-#�by[G[�ed���^^Y��,Ӏ��㠳k#;K�����E��''&5E�t��-��!��3�)�s���l�$�� >��l �aꔼ|"ᐂA����f��� 7838 0 obj <> endobj 7850 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6714182843081549A3FC090C5817C40E><6D0E00F965D4464B885F7F336D2B6E66>]/Index[7838 27]/Info 7837 0 R/Length 82/Prev 9546696/Root 7839 0 R/Size 7865/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream It is called “The 5 Point Personal Safety Checklist” To ensure that you take the right course towards personal safety, follow these 5 important checks before carrying out any operation or work on ships:

�-3�UZY�t�kl洑p>�T�U��p�im�T�Dư�^zDX��j�u7�f��Nll�&!Q��#��ƥ��q1{��6�"�ƶ�=b�%��H$�&�� �=� �Jd�=a��&�� �2�1�h��C"B�d��M��x�-� �M}����v�ء��.�������h�ސs���� 9�$D�X�����iSf�� If ship’s safety limits are likely to be exceeded b. stream 3 0 obj Composition of the Ship/Shore Safety Checklist . endobj Pre-arrival. Ship Maintenance Checklist Page 3 of 53 DOCUMENTATION (1) As may be required by the Flag State Administration or Port State Authority PS- Passenger or Ro-Ro Passenger Vessels, OT- Oil tankers, CT-Chemical tankers, GC-Gas carriers, BC-Bulk carrier, CS-Container ship, RR-Ro-Ro Cargo x��[�n7}7���n S�; �I��N�-�8�-;l)u����ZY�܋���;�9�p�/;z����L��������rr�ez�>�Ƌ��F���NG�'���d9[�G�?/���L'�Ӈg�Ћ����Ã�Gk)Q����H�9�G�Ã?����������A���������H�9�h|F�/����[��^�����c�Z�����Ã����`_��h\�M��Z=��Д�8tb8A(�$18,!&µ+��^�*���:���N z�@ �3j0e-g� ӂ韋�9���k��X%'Da�[ L���0!�`��)w�X�?N a. Instructions for completing the Ship/Shore . The ship’s main radio transmitter aerials are earthed and radars are switched off. endstream endobj startxref

<>>> 2 0 obj h�bbd```b``g�� ��D2��H�~ �8-H2U;��6� q� endobj %PDF-1.5 To make sure that you maintain a certain level of safety while working on ship, there is a universal checklist which you need to follow. FCC SPV Checklist (revision 2019.05.16) Page 2 of 12 the medium frequency (MF) and high frequency (HF) channels used for distress and safety communications listed in Section 80.905(a)(3)(iii)(A) and capable of DSC operation . v������ = �3�W_x�z�ê���9���� \T4�O]��%���`x�H8D�sP����%J�1���wV`>U���=��A�v\�����W�f��-|zv�o�U�_:���x�9�������QO���3-`]���΁asWSp�^� �S�$�����: ��&S�/9�����7e�rx#�����{6�fc`���P jbnc��� Q�p � ���:

* The information contained in this sample housekeeping checklist reflects safety requirements for shipyard facilities and work activities performed in shipyards. S, T PT. A ship which is found with deficiencies which may threaten the safety of the people onboard or the environment if it is allowed to proceed to sea may be detained until the deficiencies are made good. In event of precipitation c. For final loading runs, trimming and belt run-off 8.

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