I'm building an Esper deck in EDH, and I'm looking for a few good counterspells that don't cost eighty dollars a pop (Looking at you, Force of Will!). I like cards like [[Archmage's Charm]] [[Sublime Epiphany]] [[Insidious Will]] because they can do more than just counter a spell ... by the same token, things like [[Redirect]] and [[Reverberate]] can For Jhoira 8 is perfectly fine imo. Cards that top other formats, like Lightning Bolt, Tarmogoyf, or Thoughtseize, just don't have as much of an impact in EDH. I think we've made it clear that counterspells are definitely worthwhile in commander.
I love watching someone else get beaten up so some solid spot removal allows me to sort of protectively say no to threats. I was showing it to my friend and he claimed I needed more counter spells. Some spells demand an immediate answer or it's GG. In that situation, a counterspell (in my opinion) is actually card advantage since otherwise the wrather would result in card disadvantage. Maybe a 7 or 8 power level deck that I can use for EDH at my LGS or for commander at my friends house. Maybe the reason for that is my open mana in a counterspell heavy deck... so why should i put more counterspells in this deck if open mana has the same effect.I have a Jhoira deck with just three counters and it works just fine for me.The key is having counters that are flexible. save hide report.
I usually play in the range of 4-6 counters when I plan on actually running them. Force of Negation is, unlike most of Magic’s best counterspells, a very new addition to the game. This reminds me of the spot removal is bad in EDH argument but at least you agree that counter magic has its uses I definitely wouldn't prioritise having more.If the counter spells are for protecting your gameplay then 8 should be fine. here are the numbers of counterspell i have in my treva deck
Last Word? Commander (EDH) forum Posted on April 27, 2013, 9:54 p.m. by e r a b e l. There are a LOT of counterspells.
Top Ten Most Versatile EDH Cards of Core Set 2021 – Cards 10-6. by Ryan LaFlamme ... ways to determine the scope and tenure of a Magic player is to see at what stage they will stop utilizing counterspells as their casting costs go up. And even there i play only 9 counterspells and a few are like [[Cryptic Command]] so that i can use them in other ways too. Im not looking to have a cEDH deck with my Jhoira deck. No.1 rule in counting counterspells in your deck, 1 is to 1, never give an advantage to your opponent by loosing cards by countering their spells. Cycling decree can actually be quite useful. I follow the 8x8 theory in deckbuilding, but mostly with counterspells, other effects can vary more. I have a kykar deck really depending on low cost instants and many counterspells.
Also Redirect can change multiple targets. Counterspells in EDH. IE land destruction/Counterspells for if one spell resolves it often means game over. Which I mean I get if I was running a hardcore cedh deck id have things like that but I think my deck is good enough as is.I too think 8 counters is more than enough. Checkout Acquireboard. ewww, just no. I like backing my counters with some spot removal and that way I can see what opponents are going to do with threats first. © 2020 MagicFind, Inc. All rights reserved. Commander (EDH) forum Posted on Jan. 8, 2016, 7:05 p.m. by julianjmoss. Best Counterspells in Commander? Welcome to In the Margins, a semi-regular column where I focus on making marginal upgrades to your Commander deck. Edit Live Edit. If you want to disrupt the gameplay of others you will need some more answers.Press J to jump to the feed. It leaves you and your victim even on cards, rather than setting you both back from the rest of the table.
Effective counterspells in EDH are recurrable counterspells. I would also recomend running 8 counterspells in an EDH deck as long as you can support it. For example I don't run old school duals because I can't afford them and as a result my deck is bad. A few decks I have run as many as 12 counterspells simply because the decks my friends play require that much hate. There is no room in EDH for vanilla beat sticks or limited-target removal. List of EDH counterspells Commander / EDH* circularcube. So much so that cards like Abrupt Decay and Cavern of Souls are top cards in the format because of their ability to dodge this interaction.
Run fewer counterspells and play smarter. Commander (EDH) forum Posted on Jan. 27, 2020, 10:51 p.m. by G e m i n i S p a r t a n X. Hello all! Baral obviously wants a metric ton of counterspells: Arcane Denial , Confirm Suspicions , Counterspell , Dismiss , Disallow , Dissipate , Dissolve , Hinder , Overwhelming Denial , Rewind and Void Shatter for hard counters.
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