The Realising something is wrong when they can't reach Swain by radio Reinforcements arrive from While docked at Orlan Island, Mike leaps to the rescue of the baby son of a grateful Anton Gorski (Valentino Del Toro), who had fallen off the wharf in a carriage. Commander Mike Flynn und seine Mannschaft haben aber nicht nur die schwierigen Kriminalfälle auf dem Meer zu lösen. Watch; episodes; Oldest. Jetzt Browser Nachrichten zulassen und immer auf dem Laufenden sein! However, his persistence pays off, leading to the discovery of drug money on a North Korean freighter. Dutchy, still dazed from being hit over the head by one of the Chief's recent friends, and Swain decide they need to set up camp overnight and set out again in daylight. 43 MIN. Back at base Maxine informs Mike and Kate that there is still no new CO for the With emotions running high, and in an effort to keep Swain away from the search for Berkelman, he and Bird are asked to sail the refugee ship back to port while When the doctor working with the traffickers is attacked, Swain reveals he is a medic and tries to save his life. Swain and Dutchy fend off the aggressors, but inadvertently make the matter worse by taking sides in the local conflict. Ep 1 Night Of The Long Knives.

2Dads threatens to go to the captain, but Fraser brings up 2Dad's dodgy past and current financial difficulties making it clear that no one would believe him. Watch; episodes; Oldest.

At the mothership, the XO is treated by the captain with a drug which appears to help but also makes her high. 43 MIN. Sea Patrol season 4 episode guide on Sie realisierte offenbar nicht, dass die TV-Serie keine Reality-Show ist. 43 MIN.

Most regular cast members have returned. Ep 5 Paradise Lost. Later, Maxine gives Mike a list of candidate COs to replace him, but he rejects them as unsuitable so she asks him to make his own list, and he adds Kate's name to the top. Back on shore, Mike runs into Mason in a bar and they get talking. Sea Patrol is an Australian drama television series which premiered on 5 July 2007 in Australia on the Nine Network.Each series contains 13 episodes, with the first season of Sea Patrol premiering on 5 July 2007, and concluding on 4 October 2007. Upon locating the mini-sub Cavenaugh's team recover their drugs and rendezvous with their boss. Watch all 16 Sea Patrol episodes from season 4,view pictures, get episode information and more.

In der dritten Staffel fand ein größerer Wechsel in der Hauptbesetzung statt.Sie ist ständig auf dem Wasser und an der herrlichen Küste Queenslands samt Great Barrier Rief für Recht und Ordnung im Einsatz: die Besatzung des Patrouillenboots der Navy HMAS Hammersley.

Die australische Politikerin Sarah Hanson-Young übrigens fragte bei den Australischen Streitkräften an, warum ihren Operationen Transparenz fehle – mit Verweis auf die Show als Beispiel, wie man das Militär mit Kameras begleiten könne. The medical emergency and resulting chaos allows the fishing crew to retake control of their boat putting the XO's life at greater risk.

Sea Patrol Season 4. 43 MIN. Kate tells Bomber that her attitude threatens her chance to be promoted to Leading Seaman. Sea Patrol Season 4 Ep 14 Live Catch. Gedreht wurde u. a. im australischen Cairns (Nord-Queensland), auf der Insel Dunk Island und in den Tamborine Mountains. Kate is blinded by a deadly toxin, sparking a desperate race to find an antidote and 2Dads's plan to help Bomber gain a promotion backfires when they are kidnapped. Andernfalls ist dieser Film nur zwischen Zwei Patrouillen-Boote der Royal Australian Navy Fremantle wurden verwendet, um das fiktive Schiff HMAS HAMMERSLEY darzustellen, um deren Besatzung sich die Handlung dreht: Die HMAS WOLLONGONG wurde für Dreharbeiten in Sydney genutzt, die HMAS IPSWICH in Queensland. Maxine reassures Kate she is fit to take command of the Meanwhile, 2Dads has remembered that Bird stumbled in a creek and had indicated pain in her knee. Swain, Dutchy and the doctor, Sarah, with help from Suil and some of his family decide to set off with the injured boy towards the other side of the island, hoping to outrun the young men. Ep 2 Crocodile Tears. Kate is blind

Mike's heartfelt promise to rescue the woman is questioned by NavCom who ask think he has been at sea too long, and it is time he takes the promotion he is due and moves to a shore-posting. 42 MIN. 2Dads calls in on Bomber while on shore leave and their encounter violates the Navy intraship fraternization regulations. His guilt and conspiracy theories begin to wear on the rest of the crew.

Mike manages to leave a message for Kate, however while Mike is making the call, Cavenaugh finds the real Captain Mason and takes Mike captive.

Swain and Dutchy remain behind to assist with treating the boy as Back on Vatinaie, the Chief, Suil (Ariu Lang Sio), has been shot in a conflict with some of the younger villagers who are trying to gain control and comes into he clinic for help pursued by his attackers. Bomber faces disciplinary action after a violent confrontation with illegal fishermen. 2Dads convinces Bomber to volunteer for the steaming party for a second FFV so she can demonstrate leadership, and XO places her in command. Latest; Oldest; 43 MIN. Die Innenaufnahmen entstanden in den Warner Roadshow Studios in der Stadt Gold Coast, ebenfalls in Queensland. Jetzt anmelden und alle jugendgeschützten Inhalte rund um die Uhr streamen - auf allen deinen Geräten.

Watch ; Ep 14 Live Catch. Charge, who faked a cold to avoid going on the dive, has doubts about the theory – Shark Attacks are extremely rare in the area and the damage to the leg doesn't match with bite marks. While the ship is in port to fix the malfunctioning radio, Dutchy dives on the yacht wreck, but doesn't return. But the Doctor dies, so Berkelman informs Swain he will have to take over the job of harvesting the organs as the only person left on board with medical training.

Deciding Mike has served his purpose they decide to force him into the sub, but in the process Mike recognizes the boss as Anton Gorski.

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