1 – Forecasting the dividends of conflict prevention from 2020-2030This report considers the trajectories of armed conflict in a 'business-as-usual' scenario between 2020-2030.Welcome to your monthly roundup of 16+ news and views from the Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies.Forging the International Movement for Achieving Justice for AllIn this paper, we describe the international movement for people-centered justice and the impetus given to this movement by the adoption of SDG16 as part of the 2030 Agenda UNICRI develops tailored context-specific interventions based on concrete needs and citizen-centric approaches. UNDP is a “custodian agency” for five SDG 16 indicators under targets 16.3, 16.6 and 16.7.
SDG 16+ case studies Box 32. progress on SDG-16, which we argue can be addressed through machine learning applications. UNICRI work focuses on: preventing and countering violent extremism; countering organized crime and fighting all forms of illegal trafficking and illicit financial flows; reinforcing the rule of law in post-conflict countries; security through research, technology and innovation; threat response and risk mitigation: security governance; preventing crime through the protection and empowerment of vulnerable groups. UNICRI enhances understanding of crime threats and identify practical measures to more effectively address them. SDG Acceleration Actions to Build Back Better. UNICRI's mandate is to enhance knowledge and expertise and find innovative and sustainable solutions to threats and injustice.
The full versions of the country case studies captured in the blue boxes may be accessed on the SDG 16 hub (www.SDG16hub.org). Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the UNESCO advocates for the creation of national legislation on Safety of journalists is the ability for journalists and media professionals to get, produce and share information without facing physical or moral threats. Virtual event (NY time) Related Goals. This means UNDP has helped to find ways to measure these indicators and now supports countries to report on them at the global level.. UNDP also supports countries to monitor progress on SDG 16 and to produce governance statistics more broadly at the country level, through various initiatives. on Governance Statistics, which has a dedicated Working Group on SDG indicator 16.7.2, and a mandate to support the development of methodologies for Tier III indicators under SDG 16. These include poverty, hunger, health, education, SDG 16 has twelve targets and 24 indicators. ... Goal 16. SDG Indicator 16.1.1 Intentional homicides. The Sustainable Development Goals are not taken as being completely independent one from the other, but rather as being closely linked. Definition: Indicator 16.1.1 is the number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population, by sex and age. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. SDG indicator 16.4.2 This non-paper aims to inform on coordination efforts within the UN Secretariat on reporting, data collection and monitoring for SDG indicator 16.4.2. 558. The total number of targets is 169. Green text boxes highlight other relevant information on SDG 16+ issues that emerged during the Technical Consultations or was featured in the review of recent literature on SDG 16+. It identifies strategies to deal with an increase in justice problems as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.Five lessons on confronting violence and systemic discrimination in policing in the Global SouthGuest blog by Adrian Di Giovanni, Alejandra Vargas Garcia, Colleen Duggan, Emma Sanchez-Swaren, Holly Norris, Martha Mutisi, Megan Douglas, Navsharan Singh, Ramata ThiouneThis briefing explores the justice implications of the economic downturn and analyzes common justice problems that have an economic dimension. 2 – Future Trends in Homicide - Extrapolations from 2019 to 2030This report examines future trends in homicide and finds that positive trends could be undermined within the next decade unless more investment in violence prevention is undertaken.Private Sector Leadership is Needed to Advance Justice for AllSDG16.1 Notes, Vol.
This briefing explores the justice implications of the economic downturn and analyzes common justice problems that have an economic dimension. The SDGs cover a broad range of social and economic development issues. 17. The first three targets include: A collection of all the latest research analysis by the Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies on SDG 16 plus. Two of the targets specify and end year of 2030, the others do not specify an end year. Sustainable Development Goal 16 (Goal 16, SDG 16) – peace, justice and strong institutions – is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2015. It drew extensively from NSOs’ experiences in this area, and from the expertise of other cross-national survey research initiatives, as listed above. Our overarching objective is to assist the international community in achieving key goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and in particular, Goal 16: to promote peaceful, just, inclusive and secure societies, free from crime and violence, where nobody is left behind. It recommends that States may wish to assess the existing mechanisms that can feed data and information into this indicator (or recommend UNODA and UNODC to jointly do so). First, there is the issue of the validity of the measures or indicators used to track progress towards the different targets associated with SDG-16.
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