Biografia. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Anche se sembrava già un affare fatto, il regista stesso ha ora confermato che sarà sulla sedia del […] I think NOT!Am I missing something? Sure, everything is possible. Same goes for Bruce Campbell. Biografia. I think it would take me out of the movie so much if they did that. Lord knows Campbell has the charisma.He’ll probably just have a small cameo like he did in Spider-ManBruce as an alt. © Copyright 2020 LSP Media Srl - Vietata la riproduzione totale o parziale dei contenuti Also, Doctor Strange was mentioned by … It's just silly fan 'theories'.Yeah I figured Marvel wouldn’t go that far, even if it were Tobey appearing as a different universe’s Spider-Man, but there seems to be a ton of support for it. Sam Raimi confirms he's directing Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, addresses the reference in Spidey 2 Doctor Strange in the Madness of Multiverse. I don’t like the idea of roles being miscast for personal favors (Having an older version of Spider-Man (not even the last version, which would be Andrew Garfield) appear would be way too much fan service and way too meta. Blogger e Social Media Strategist.
Sam Raimi’s ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’ Moves from 2021 to March 2022 He’s campy and fun, and I would totally be okay with either actor having a very small, unnoticeable cameo like James Gunn’s friend Nathan Fillion did in GOTG, but not a major role. Studia letteratura inglese alla Michigan State University. Ma stando bene attenti, la teoria dell’utente di Reddit u/loutermit potrebbe non essere così campata in aria. I honestly didn’t think the movie was good in terms of writing or acting. This would just jarring and take me out of the movie completely.I’m sure plenty disagree lol but those are just my thoughts on the matter. It's a Doctor Strange film they're talking about, but you'd never know it.Instead of taking even a moment to consider all the awesome and intriguing things from the stories and worlds of Strange that Sam Raimi could draw upon for the movie, we get nothing but endless incessant chatter about cameo wishlists from other franchises. Poco dopo l’abbandono di Scott Derrickson al film Marvel Doctor Strange nel Multiverso della follia per “differenze creative”, abbiamo riportato che i Marvel Studios stavano penando a Sam Raimi per farsi carico del sequel di Doctor Strange.
Wow, I forgot about that line and God would it be some divination if this is all true.
Secondo questo utente nel film della Unendo i vari pezzi del puzzle e giocandoci un po’, si potrebbe pensare che lo Spider-Man di Sam Raimi potrebbe effettivamente apparire nel sequel di Doctor Strange.Scriveteci cosa ne pensate e continuate a seguirci su A Life in Movies! First JK as JJ and now this!Well, the movies theme is the multiverse of madness...As a member of both subreddits, I’m giddy as fuck right now.Can we talk about the fact that Spider-Man and Doctor Strange are both Lee/Ditko creations... Coincidence?
The last film he directed was seven years ago and not very good.
To get Raimi, Marvel must have pitched the horror angle of this film, and I can't think of a better person to take on this tone than Raimi. I think the MCU delivers consistently in those aspects (with a few exception). Currently strutting down the street with emo bangs pointing at random people at my excitement with this news.
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