In the very persistent and vocal criticisms that have been brought against me by the people who have fallen for these hoaxes, the most consistent thing they cite as though it is evidence of anything whatsoever is the SAFIRE Project. DAVID TALBOTT recognized in Monty Childs' SAFIRE concept a real and empircal method for testing the Electric Sun model, and so invited Monty to propose his idea to the Electric Universe Group at the 2012 Electric Universe Conference. As described in our recent interviews with physicist Wal Thornhill, the SAFIRE Project is an independent audit of the electric sun model, first proposed by engineer Ralph Juergens in the 1970’s. SAFIRE Project | RationalWiki. As described in our recent interviews with physicist Wal Thornhill, the SAFIRE Project is an independent audit of the electric sun model, first proposed by engineer Ralph Juergens in the 1970’s.As Thornhill noted, Thunderbolts colleague Dr. Donald Scott also extended Juergen’s electric sun model through his recognition of what is called the PNP transistor action of anode tufts or photospheric granulations on the Sun, which were successfully reproduced in SAFIRE’s Phase One proof of concept.

The SAFIRE project was created to test a practically unknown scientific hypothesis. It was in 2013 that The SAFIRE Project began. We continue our exploration of the recent update shared by the team behind the groundbreaking scientific experiment, the SAFIRE Project. It would seem that I've really struck a nerve by debunking some of these "alternative cosmologies", and exposing the frauds that push them. The following summary, distributed in July 2012, provides a background for general readers explaining our support of the SAFIRE project. The SAFIRE Project is testing the Anode Electric Sun hypothesis and has stated: Proposal for an experiment to test the electric Sun hypothesis by David Talbott. Today, Dr. Scott shares his thoughts on SAFIRE’s most exciting results to date, including evidence for low energy nuclear transmutations.PLEASE NOTE: Under the title THE SAFIRE PROJECT, Aurtas International Inc. was contracted by The International Science Foundation to empirically test the Electric Sun Model. After years of research, SAFIRE has emerged as a ‘Transformative Technology’ which doesn’t produce toxic waste, isn’t antithetical to life, nor does it bankrupt an existing system or put humans out of work. Proposal for an experiment to test the electric Sun hypothesis By David Talbott The following summary, distributed in July 2012, provides a background for general readers explaining our support of the SAFIRE project. UPDATE 2019 The Positive Electric Sun model has not been falsified yet by SAFIRE results. From the very first stages of the project it already appears that the predictions of the Electric Sun … We continue our exploration of the recent update shared by the team behind the groundbreaking scientific experiment, the SAFIRE Project.

Monty Childs and Co confirmed that Ralph Juergen's proposal is still a live wire and circuit. Talbott is one of the key proponents for the Electric Universe model, and the initiator and co-producer of the annual conferences, now streamed worldwide. Thunderbolts Project. Aureon Energy, Ltd. is an independent body which has no affiliation with The Electric Universe, The Electric Sun, or The Thunderbolts Project.TPOD Archive Legacy Chronological 07/2004 – 09/2011Thunderblogs Archive Legacy Chronological 01/2005 – 07/2011 Thunderbolts Project. Aurtas International Inc. is an independent body which has no affiliation with The Electric Universe, The Electric Sun or The Thunderbolts Project.To view EU2017 conference presentations for $29USD, go to www.electricuniverse.liveTPOD Archive Legacy Chronological 07/2004 – 09/2011Thunderblogs Archive Legacy Chronological 01/2005 – 07/2011Donald Scott: SAFIRE and the Electric Sun | Space News Watch as Ben Ged Low presents the path of this historical experiment of the Electric Sun model from its origins to the present. It was in 2013 that The SAFIRE Project began. After years of research, SAFIRE has emerged as a ‘Transformative Technology’ which doesn’t produce toxic waste, isn’t antithetical to life, nor does it bankrupt an existing system or put humans out of work.PLEASE NOTE: Prior to becoming a commercial venture of Aureon Energy, Ltd., THE SAFIRE PROJECT was under Aurtas International Inc., contracted by The International Science Foundation to empirically test the Electric Sun Model. Watch as Ben Ged Low presents the path of this historical experiment of the Electric Sun model from its origins to the present.

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