Image Courtesy of Safdie ArchitectsFive are dedicated residential towers, including one of the northern towers making it the tallest residential tower in China. Wie das “Urban Institute” in Washington feststellt, sehen die Auftraggeber in solchen großen Bauprojekten Umsatz und Potential, was den Anreiz verringert, gerechtere und preisgünstigere Häuser zu bauen. Each of these interior streets are generously endowed with natural light from skylights set in the podium above.
Wer unter Höhenangst leidet, sollte hier vielleicht nicht nach unten schauen. Image Courtesy of Safdie ArchitectsPhotographer – Arch-Exist Photography.

Two additional gallerias run across the podium, in the east-west direction, and provide the visitors with views towards the Jialing and Yangtze Rivers. Image Courtesy of Safdie ArchitectsThe retail galleria is organized in five stories, topped by an expansive public park that overlooks historic Chaotianmen Square. 11 million square feet), Raffles City Chongqing is one of Safdie Architects’ largest and most complex projects to date. In der chinesischen Stadt leben über 30 Millionen Menschen.Nach dem Besuch der Ausstellung zoomen die Besucher in nur 50 Sekunden nach oben.

Now Open 30 July 2020 Intercontinental Chongqing Raffles City InterContinental® Chongqing Raffles City Welcomes Its First Guests Now open – 380 Rooms In China wird immer noch am Giga-Projekt “Raffles City Chongqing” gebaut. Image Courtesy of Safdie ArchitectsRaffles City Chongqing is the city’s largest development to receive the LEED-CS (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design – Core & Shell) pre-certification at the Gold Level by the United States Green Building Council.Spanning across four accessible towers, at a length of 280 meters, the Crystal also connects to two of the development’s taller towers via linking bridges.

Lucas Loh, Chef der China und Investment-Management-Abteilung von CapitaLand erklärte:“Nach der baulichen Fertigstellung von Raffles City Chongqing konzentrieren wir uns nun auf die Innenausbauarbeiten, einschließlich der Verpflanzung von Bäumen zur Belebung der Crystal Sky Bridge, die über die höchste Aussichtsplattform in Westchina verfügen wird.”Die Eröffnung des Explorationdecks stellt in Chonqqing die erste große Attraktion seit der Aufhebung der landesweiten Sperrung dar. Developers say three-quarters of the 772 residential units in three towers have been sold.

A public observatory offers visitors unobstructed views of the confluence of the Yangtze and Jialing Rivers through a glass-bottom, open-air viewing deck.

The system of gallerias, punctuated by the nodes at their intersection, provide a means for the visitors to orient themselves within the 220,000 sq.m. Wir können damit die Seitennutzung auswerten, um nutzungsbasiert redaktionelle Inhalte und Werbung anzuzeigen.

The remaining towers include a dedicated office tower and one mixed-use, with office space and serviced apartments.IGS  is one of the leading magazines in the glass industry bringing you the latest news, technologies and developments in the architectural glass and facade design and construction field. Urban windows created by the towers provide views from the city through the development to the two rivers. Der Wolkenkratzer reicht 250 Meter über den Boden, verfügt über einen Park und eine Aussichtsplattform mit Glasboden. About RafflesCity Chongqing. Sie begeistert ein Thema mehr als das andere? Des Weiteren kann die Verschmelzung der beiden Flüsse Jangtse und Jialing in der Nähe beobachtet werden. The north side of the towers features a “sail” screen that provides uniformity to the façade and filters daylight for the residents and office workers.Photographer – Arch-Exist Photography. Following eight years of design, development, and construction, Safdie Architects is nearing completion on its latest project in China: Raffles City Chongqing, a vibrant complex which combines office, residential, hotel, retail, and recreational facilities across a 22.7 acre site, embedded within the densely developed Yuzhong district.

An evolution on Safdie Architects’ ‘SkyPark’ developed for Marina Bay Sands in Singapore, The Crystal continues the firm’s exploration into the potential of connecting buildings as a means of expanding the available public space offered in dense, urban developments—often at sky level.Photographer – Arch-Exist Photography. Sehen Sie mehr zur Konstruktion im Video.Im Erdgeschoss des imposanten Bauwerks stellt National Geographic die Geschichte und Entwicklung der Stadt Chongqing aus. Aussicht auf Chongqing auf dem Glasboden-Himmelsdeck.

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