Quan Chi then teleported high and reappeared above Kratos, stomping him numerous times. Just as Kratos recovered, Quan Chi then slid and kicked his opponent from below. Kratos stabbed Quan Chi in the gut with both Blades of Exile. „ —Quan Chi to Raiden and Fujin in Mortal Kombat X

Kratos then yelled out in rage before swiping a Blade, slicing off Quan Chi's left arm in the process. He then grabbed Kratos by the shoulders, jumped up and quickly drove both feet into his kneecap, forcing him completely backward before flipping away. The two of them then got into fighting stances. He then pulled out the Head of Helios, which emitted a small shockwave of light that blinded Quan Chi, leaving him vulnerable to his second attack. The two of them then got into fighting stances. We have Quan Chi VS Kratos in a Last Man Standing match!

Quan Chi was to make a cameo at the end of the 1997 film Quan Chi was a featured character in a special-edition tie-in comic book that was included with the 1998 PC home release of Quan Chi made a brief appearance in the eighth episode of the 2011 web series Quan Chi pulled a 5 hit combo on Kratos with a spiked mace, then shot a load of green fireballs right at him.

One Minute Melee Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Kratos ripped off pieces of Quan Chi's flesh and body, then pulled out the latter's sternum, breaking it off of his ribs with the most disgusting Kratos obliterated Quan Chi's ribcage by punching it with his Nemean Cestus.

Vman 638,275 views. I watched the video and all about how it was made, and how they came up with the Kratos … Kratos ripped off pieces of Quan Chi's flesh and body, then pulled out the latter's sternum, breaking it off of his ribs with the most disgusting Kratos obliterated Quan Chi's ribcage by punching it with his Nemean Cestus. He sliced off the other arm before tearing out the necromancer's heart and crushing it in his hand. Just as Kratos recovered, Quan Chi then slid and kicked his opponent from below. Does anyone else get reminded of Quan-Chi from the Mortal Kombat series while playing this game? The reason why I am doing this match is because in many of my old video I say Quan Chi looks like a skinny version of Kratos, so why not make them fight! Quan Chi then teleported high and reappeared above Kratos, stomping him numerous times.

The force of the punch knocked the dead Quan Chi down.

Kratos stabbed Quan Chi in the gut with both Blades of Exile. As Scorpion's lifeless body collapsed, Quan Chi saw the one who killed him: a man with intensely white skin, several red tattoos adorning his body, and two glowing red blades in his hands. Quan Chi lifted his opponent up and suplexed him into the floor while shouting random gibberish.

But Kratos was far from done. Throwing a broken tree stump at Quan Chi. Kratos then left the scene, not even bothering to celebrate his victory. Kratos then fell through a portal from above and Quan Chi blasted him with energy from the skull on his cuirass. Kratos VS Quan Chi is the seventh episode of Wolverine-Man's first season.

Quan Chi then used a tree branch to smack Kratos across the face. Kratos then stabbed Quan Chi in the stomach dozens of times, causing excrement, blood and everything else to fly everywhere in a wet splash. Throwing a broken tree stump at Quan Chi. "I will not."

Kratos then pulled out the Bow of Apollo and fired three flaming arrows in an arc. Quan Chi is a fictional character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game franchise by Midway Games/NetherRealm Studios.First appearing as an original guest character in the 1996 animated series Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm, he made his game canon debut as the non-playable main antagonist of Midway's 1997 side-scrolling action-adventure game Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub …


Using the Boots of Hermes, Kratos dashed through Quan Chi, damaging him and leaving a trail of fire. don't you mean it the other way around ?

When two white-and-red warriors who killed families meet, who will be killed themselves? Sony devs have no creativity and baltantly rip off a Mortal Kombat character for their "flagship" series. He then sliced Quan Chi's head off.

One Minute Melee Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Quan Chi then used a tree branch to smack Kratos across the face.

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