This petition may have fell upon deaf ears in the House of Representatives but it is a trumpet and banner for all who seek justice on an unequal playing field.On October 17, 1787, he with others, sent a petition to the Senate and House of Representatives of Massachusetts urging that ‘means be provided for the education of colored people.’ He wrote that blacks were taxed as whites were and that they had not been backward in paying their proportionate share of the total taxation. I was a member of his church, being in full communion therewith, for a number of years, having been received into the same in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty two in Nov’r and I continued a member of the same church in full communion therewith & partaking the sacrement there until the said Rev’d Andrew Crosswell died. Indeed he did, for whenever a well-to-do person wished the best catering job in eastern Massachusetts, he sent word to Prince Hall in Boston, and when the time came he appeared with a dozen of his black men, or two dozen, if the banquet was a large one.’Prince Hall’s innate intelligence is evident from his words and actions, but where and when he acquired formal education is not known. He lived in Medford and worked for many years, saving money. Finally on March 2, 1784, Prince Hall petitioned the Grand Lodge of England, through a Worshipful Master of a subordinate Lodge in London (William Moody of Brotherly Love Lodge No. They soon became acquainted. Prince Hall, and managed to untangle the service records of the three Prince Hall men in the state list. African Lodge of Boston became the “Mother Lodge” of the Prince Hall Family. Prince joined the Continental Army and was “one of a few Blacks who fought at the battle of Bunker Hill.”Later on, after several years of study, Prince Hall became a minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Using Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors to look for the names of soldiers in [ ] Suffolk County Regiment may identify Regimental Colonels, Lt. Colonels, Majors, and company Captains, that may have some association with him before, during, or after the war, but this would be a LONG project. Under the authority of the charter of African Lodge #459, Prince Hall established African Lodge #459 of Philadelphia on March 22, 1797 and Hiram Lodge #3 in Providence, Rhode Island on June 25, 1797. From this lodge grew an organisation now known as Prince Hall Freemasonry, which remained separate and segregated from ‘mainstream’ Freemasonry until late in the twentieth century. Three free black men, including a member of African Lodge, had been lured aboard a ship in harbor, which set sail and took them to the West Indies to be sold as slaves. Historical records of his abolitionist and related activities begin in the second half of the 1770s, and continue until a few months before his death in 1807. They had four children, Margarett 1748, William 1750, Thomas 1752 and Susannah 1757, two of whom witnessed this document. Explore genealogy for Prince Hall born abt. I know that some information is missing about some individuals, such as Captain Daniel Shays. . . Please visit our contact page to leave a message Under the authority of the charter of African Lodge #459, Prince Hall established African Lodge #459 of Philadelphia on March 22, 1797 and Hiram Lodge #3 in Providence, Rhode Island on June 25, 1797.
With Prince Hall’s assistance she became the first and only former slave to receive reparations for all her years of work without compensation.
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