First, Iraq needs to create stability between national, regional, and local economic interests. Barham Salih Proposed Unification to Rebuild Iraq. For instance, one unresolved issue is that the country still has about 20,000 Jihadist fighters who could spark more military conflicts—perhaps not one as a long and devastating as the Iraqi civil war that started in 2014 and continued until December 2017, but nevertheless one destructive enough to derail hopes for a full-out economic recovery.The latest news on Iraqi Jihadist forces, according to high-ranking Iraqi sources, is that they have clustered in the northern and western parts of Baghdad, spread through Kirkuk and established a presence in western Mosul.Many problems plague Iraq. Salih, staying true to his moral compass, defended a united Iraq. Although he won the popular majority vote and has a large base, Iraqi politics is anything but straightforward. The newly elected president faces many daunting challenges. Rather than review Salih has already made his views plain about the new Iraqi political system installed after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. Second, Iraq needs to win the support of global powers like the US, the EU, and Russia. Abdul Mahdi, a compromise candidate, edged out as prime minister the US favourite and incumbent leader, The presidency remains largely ceremonial in Iraq, with most executive power resting with the prime minister. The KDP nominated Hussein for the presidency. Masum is the second non-Arab president of Iraq, succeeding Jalal Talabani, also Kurdish, and was a confidant of Talabani. His exemplary personal history, foreign affairs experience, and regional political experience played a huge role in helping him secure the votes to become president of Iraq. Barham Salih aspires to improve the funding, economic cooperation, technology, and other resources the country needs for massive reconstruction projects. Improving oil revenues would enhance the standard of living of the Iraqi people. Let us now take a closer look at why Barham Salih won the election.On October 2, 2018, Dr. Barham Salih became the president of Iraq because he was considered to be one of the most qualified people to rebuild Iraq. When he was premier of Kurdistan, the region flourished, and a robust economy led to a boom in real estate development.Many progressive changes became possible because of Salih’s able governance:As president, Salih still draws upon the invaluable lessons he learned as a diplomat on the value of initiating and maintaining good relationships. Abdul Mahdi is the first leader since 2005 not to be aligned to the Under Iraq’s postwar constitution, the president must be a Kurd, the prime minister a Shia, and the speaker of parliament a Sunni. Many lawmakers in parliament view his progressive ideas of wide-sweeping changes as a threat to their partisan agendas and seek to undermine him.While his visionary policies may seem indispensable for rebuilding Iraq after the crisis of ISIS devastated the country, we must remember that he is only the Iraqi President and not it’s Prime Minister. All rights reserved. This distressing state of affairs is unlikely to occur during Salih’s watch because he understands the complexities of statesmanship. © Treasury Vault. In October 2018, Barham Saleh was elected president of Iraq. Muhammad Fuad Masum (Arabic: محمد فؤاد معصوم‎, romanized: Muḥammad Fū’ād Ma‘ṣūm; Kurdish: محەممەد فوئاد مەعسووم, born 1 January 1938) is an Iraqi Kurdish politician who served as the seventh President of Iraq from 24 July 2014 to 2 October 2018. Baghdad remains a central area of Iranian influence and a political and cultural battleground between groups aligned to each side.Salih, 56, a Kurdish leader, was named as Iraq’s president a day ago, on Tuesday. The political jockeying involved in appointing him is likely to continue and intensify in the coming weeks as regional patrons vie for influence in bitterly contested portfolios that rival the premiership as power bases in the country’s complex political landscape.Rivalry between Tehran and Washington has played out in Iraq over the 15 years since the US-led invasion to oust Saddam Hussein. They see him as a mediator who will steer Iraq in the right direction.Many countries—underdeveloped, developing, and developed—have suffered through the whims of populist, sectarian, and nationalistic leaders. Today as American, Russian, and Iranian influencers try to suggest how he should spearhead Iraqi politics, he has declared that the purpose of the Iraq president is to put the interests of the Iraqi people first.Here are some principle ideas of his vision for Iraq:Economic reform can resolve many of Iraq’s problems. The faster Iraq can make an economic recovery, the sooner you can expect the Iraqi Dinar to revalue. He has bluntly stated that the reforms expected after the invasion of the US-led military coalition have failed to meet the criteria of a liberal democracy.

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