Otherwise, use pruners to cut them to ground level.Easter lilies have few insect or disease problems, but they can be infected with lily mosaic virus, which is passed by aphids, so if Missouri Botanical Garden recommends immediately treatment if this virus is found since there is no cure. This is usually the only feeding necessary. If you've come this far successfully, keep your lily well watered the first year as it establishes itself, and then treat it as you would any other lily. Keep the plant watered and in indirect sunlight until it is ready to go outside. Easter lilies grow tall, so staking will likely be necessary. How you grow an Easter lily will vary, depending on if you are trying to keep it blooming as a seasonal potted specimen, attempting to grow it onward to bloom in the garden in subsequent years, or growing it as a garden plant from a bulb. Water your Easter lily only when the soil becomes dry to the touch, and don’t leave it dry for extended periods. Unfortunately, the plant is relatively short-lived and doesn't survive as a houseplant after blooming ends. If you are planting a bulb in a container, Lambton recommends planting it in a well-drained pot with good potting soil (not too dense or wet). After the plants bloom, cut them back after the leaves and stems turn yellow. Lilies can also be susceptible to bulb rot if planted in wet, badly drained soil. Plant the bulb to the same depth it was in the pot. Feed the plant 1 teaspoon of general-purpose slow-release fertilizer every six weeks, recommends Outdoors, Easter lilies thrive in rich, well-drained soil and full sun to part shade. In midsummer, apply 3/4 to 1 pound of balanced granular fertilizer for every 25 square feet of garden space.The green foliage absorbs energy from the sun, which in turn nourishes the bulbs for the coming blooming season. Lilies are also susceptible bulb rot if they are grown in overly wet soils, as well as Botrytis. Depending on the type of soil you have, you may need to use different soil amendment products.

Remove the Easter lily from the container. Dig a hole deep enough to plant the bulb 6 inches under the soil and wide enough to spread the roots. With its exotic, white fragrant blooms, Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum) is a welcome gift, used to celebrate Easter and the coming of spring. They do not do well in very warm, tropical climates. Trumpet lilies have no serious pests and diseases, but aphids may sometimes appear. There is no cure once infection sets in, but quick control of aphids, which spread the disease, can prevent it from spreading to other plants. When all danger of frost has passed, find a sunny, well-draining spot in your garden. Spread a compost and balanced fertilizer to the soil before you plant the Easter lily. Easter lilies must remain moist; water them whenever the soil dries out in the top one inch. To prevent the bulbs from being dug up by squirrels or gophers, cover the bulbs with wire mesh or wire baskets when planting. Plant the bulb and cover it with soil.Let a garden hose run slowly until the soil around the bulb is thoroughly saturated, but be careful not to disturb the soil around the bulb. Lilies like In the spring, remove the mulch as the weather warms. Brush the soil from the bulb and loosen the roots carefully with your fingers. The plants can be susceptible to lily mosaic virus. They tolerate a wide range of humidity levels. Roughly 95 percent of the 11.5 million Eater Lilies … Lilies tolerate a wide range of temperatures but need a cool period of at least 8 weeks (below 65 degrees Fahrenheit) in order to bloom. However, the plant thrives when planted outdoors where it can add beauty to the garden for many years. While it is tempting to buy plants that are already in full bloom, immediate gratification won’t translate into long-term enjoyment. With its exotic, white fragrant blooms, Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum) is a welcome gift, used to celebrate Easter and the coming of spring. Marie Iannotti is an author, photographer, and speaker with 27 years of experience as a Cornell Cooperative Extension Horticulture Educator and Master GardenerJune and July (earlier, if forced for Easter blooming)

Begin applying a balanced For example, if you have clay soil, break it up and spread compost, potting … Wait until flowers have finished blooming: To successfully transplant a lily to your garden, wait until all flowers have faded and all danger of frost … Easter lily is a hardy plant that survives in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 8, according to Keep the plant healthy indoors until all threat of frost passes in spring. Be patient. Although Easter lilies typically bloom in mid- to late-summer, the plant might bloom that autumn or it might not flower until the following year.Water Easter lilies whenever the top of the soil feels slightly dry, but don't allow the soil to become completely dry. I also gently removed much of the lightweight peat-based potting mix on my Easter lily because it was so drastically different than my garden soil. Easter lily bulbs need good moisture year-round; do not allow the soil to dry out. Planted in the garden, Easter lilies require a location with full sun to part shade. Remove flowers as they fade and wither. Planting your Easter Lily outside. Water as needed to keep the potting mixture lightly moist but never soggy. Even though the plant is done flowering, it is critical not to remove the tops until they turn dry and yellow. More plants die from over-watering than under-watering.

It may take a couple of years for your plant to build up enough resources to set flower buds.

And for proper drainage, you might want to remove the decorative foil most potted Easter lilies come in.

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