Please stay in communication with your supervisor to understand your responsibilities.As the restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic relax for our region, Pittsburg State University is beginning the process of reopening facilities to the public, starting with our outdoor facilities.Most other facilities remain closed and event hosting remains suspended as the University responds to new public health guidance, works to accommodate student needs, and prepares for a broad reopening of facilities this summer.We expect users of these outdoor spaces to take personal responsibility for their health and that of the people around them. Faculty are adjusting coursework delivery and innovating how they teach – sometimes in positive ways they did not expect. If your classes are already prepared or can be done so quickly, please help others.We understand this is not a small task, nor is it an easy one for many of our courses, and classes when it becomes feasible to do so based on the status of COVID-19 and at the recommendation of public health officials. It changed how we provide instruction, how we honor our students and graduates, how we welcome the public to our campus, and how we orient our new students for fall. Please continue your current office operations until July 20 unless directed otherwise by your supervisor. Schedule for upcoming semester. There are still many unknowns. ; communities’ ability to test, trace contacts, and personal protective equipment for those who require it.
We need to get it right.We do expect a modest tuition increase to ensure we can continue to operate at the standard our students expect. There is much left to plan and do, but we’ve got a good start. Please read the email you received on July 22 for this information.
We have a responsibility to closely adhere to public health guidelines. Note that outdoor facilities remain open, and many departments are operating on campus. Otherwise, you can visit us in 112 Horace Mann to make your payments. Students can see modifications to their course schedule at It's a good idea to read the Moving Forward series at . Find Academic Program. Individual instructor attendance policies are in place. This means adhering to all public health guidelines that mitigate the spread of COVID-19: social distancing, good hygiene, and staying home when sick. This will not be a one-size-fits-all solution, and will require that we all learn new ways to do things. Our plan is influenced by Governor Kelly’s announcement about executive branch employees on March 17, and adapted to fit the unique nature of as we work to preserve progress toward degrees for our students. Closely monitor KDHE/CDC website for the most up to date travel guidelines. She’s the new COVID-19 case manager at Pittsburg State University. What we can say now is that we’ve learned lessons from this pandemic, particularly in the areas of safety and cleanliness. The closure does not apply to the student residences at Block22. Pitt State’s response to coronavirus – information, messages and updates concerning coronavirus (COVID-19). We’re finalizing procedures for dealing with active COVID-19 cases on our campus. Look out for yourself, your family, and our community. until we dismiss students for fall break and online completion of the semester on November 20. We will continue to carefully monitor the situation and assess needs, making adjustments as we go.Last week we gave students a heads-up about determining their eligibility for financial assistance from the federal government’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Employees currently working from home will continue to do so during this time. We strongly discourage all personal vacation travel. If your student plans to live in our residence halls in the fall, please ask them to pay attention to emails they receive from our Housing team regarding move-in dates, private room requests, information on post-Thanksgiving plans, and much more.
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