The subject gave consent to search his vehicle and the subject was found to be in possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia. at 880 Tennent Ave, Pinole, 94564 CA. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Pinole Police Department is not obligated to take such actions, and the Department and the City of Pinole disclaim any and all responsibility, and liability for materials deemed inappropriate for posting which cannot be removed in an expeditious and otherwise timely manner. Hope to see you there! Pinole California Police Department. Complete thugs! Enjoy your day and stay safe! Please join the Pinole Police Department and our Super Hero friends for Cops on the Corner on Halloween day at 4pm! Call 510-724-1111 if you require a police response or are requesting services from the Pinole Police Department. The City of Pinole has a land area of more than four square miles; much of the land has gently rolling hills with steeper hills paralleling on the north and south.

He left his residence in Pinole at approximately 6:30 pm on 10/19/18 in an Uber. • Information that may compromise the safety or security of the public, public systems, or employees; Your email address will not be used for any other purpose, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Pinole Police Department is in the Police1 Law Enforcement Directory. This page is monitored and managed by members of the Department’s Social Media Team. How we miss being able to read to the kiddos in person! We will also have arts & crafts and a costume contest!

Enjoy your day and stay safe! We would like to say thank you to Pinole McDonald's for their generosity by donating 100 meals for all the healthcare employees at Pinole Kaiser. Join us in #wordsearchwednesday every Wednesday we’ll post a new word search. You must review and accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before you may being using PoliceArrets.PoliceArrests is not a consumer reporting agency under the Fair Credit Reporting Act ("FCRA"), and does not supply consumer reports. The Pinole Police Department would like to thank the staff members who are out everyday at the Pinole Valley High School serving lunches to the students during this difficult time.

Post in the comments once you’re done! Attention: Do not enter any live scan facility if you have any COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, trouble breathing, etc. We are excited we could be apart of your big day! ***MASK CONTEST*** #weloveourcity #community #pinole #halloween*****COMMUNITY EVENT***** WHEN? One of the most racially profiling Police Departments!!!! Happy Monday everyone! Officer Myovich began his law enforcement career with the Pinole Police Department in 1995 as a Community Service Officer and later became a sworn officer in 1999. Be on the lookout throughout Pinole for Superman, Superwoman, Batman, Thor, and Spiderman today and join us from 4-6 this evening for our Halloween edition of #CopsOnTheCorner San Pablo Ave/Tennent Ave for candy, costume contest, fun, and McDonald's hamburgers and cheeseburgers.Tomorrow is Halloween! Please do not forget to join the Pinole Police Department and our Superhero friends tomorrow for Cops on the Corner! IN-N-OUT PINOLE (1417 Fitzgerald Drive, Pinole, CA 94564) Due to the quality of the air our agencies have collectively decided to cancel the West County Unites Pop Up which was set to take place in Pinole outside of the IN-N-OUT location from 4PM-6PM today. Any content posted to this site is subject to public disclosure. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors! Many witnesses and yet the thugs get away with their crime!!!!! #pinoleunited#we❤️ourcity#community Thugs tried to smash windows in a car where the occupants were sitting at the outside table and she yelled at them and they hopped in a car and drove 5 cars down to my car and smashed the passenger window and grabbed my granddaughters backpack from the floor of the back seat-then sped off in their expensive convertible!! • Content that violates a legal ownership interest of another party; We would like to especially thank all those who donated to this event; BearClaw Bakery, Target and McDonald's Our success would not have been possible without you! Community Outreach Newsletter 07/13/2020- 07/19/2020 - If you value honor, integrity, professionalism, and respect, and want to serve a great community, apply: Outreach Newsletter 07/20/2020- 07/26/2020 - us get to 2K followers!! Be sure to tune in this afternoon at 2pm for our Live Story Time Reading!! Page not monitored 24/7.

More information is posted in the flyer below. The kids had a blast with the water balloons! Our Superhero friends will be there passing out candy, and cheeseburgers! Hope to see you there! We never want you to be a burglary victim, but if you need us we'll be there and hopefully leave you smiling like Officer Keister did last night.UPDATE: DUE TO AIR QUALITY WEST COUNTY UNITES IS CANCELLED TODAY

Pinole Police Department, Pinole, CA. FAIL. To read the curfew order: uses public sources of information to supply you with search results. Please join us Thursday July 16th @ 2pm for a #LiveStoryTime reading! They are so serious about the protection of people here in Pinole. • Do not use this page to report a crime or incident requiring police response. Great way to start the morning off. Of course, citizens usually only intersect with cops when something is awry but on each occasion, the cops were fair, attentive, and helpful seeming to me to go beyond the call of duty.

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