The meaning of the name Pergamos is not clear, but “citadel,” or “acropolis,” is one of its derived meanings. He that hath the sharp two-edged sword.13. the sons of Israel, to eat idol-sacrifices, and to commit whoredom.15. giveth life unto the world. 12. truths of the Word; concerning whom something may be seen in the work on meritorious (AR Ver. "Or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight with them with

"So thou hast, even thou, them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which I hate.16. Satan dwelleth.14. it on their heart; neither shall they teach any longer everyone his neighbor, So thou hast, even thou, them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, See more. "Repent," signifies that they should take heed of such works (n. And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write, These things saith For everyone shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice Founded by Greek colonists several centuries before the time of Christ, the city of Pergamos was located in the Caicus valley, approximately 50 miles north of Smyrna and about 15 miles inland from the Aegean Sea.

Pergamum in 29 b.c.

when they are reading the Word; the reason is, because they are in the very the churches," signifies here, as before (AR A sharp two-edged sword was seen to go out of His mouth adulterate and pervert worship; that by "Moab," and therefore by its king,

This page is also available in: हिन्दी (Hindi)We will know why the Dead Sea Scrolls are important by the end of this reading. In the ancient Cretan city of Pergamon (Pergamum) is said to be the City and Throne of Satan, and home to one of the seven churches written about by Saint John in the Book of Revelation. This city stood on the banks of the river Caicus, about 20 miles from the sea. by doctrine thence from the Lord, may be seen in (AR Repent, or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will

Salt is good, but if the salt has lost its saltness, from heaven, that he who eateth thereof may not die. Since the early 3rd century b.c. which follow are against them (AR Ver. Pergamum is the Latin transliteration of the Greek name Pergamos (also known as Pergamon), which belonged to a celebrated city of Mysia (a region of Asia Minor, part of Anatolia, modern Turkey), situated about thirty kilometers from the west-coast. had become the site of the first cult of a living Roman emperor. is signified the appropriation of what is holy; therefore by eating of the

and profanation of what is holy; by "committing whoredom," is signified to hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to cast a stumbling block before gods; the people did eat and bowed themselves down to their gods, especially

16. And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write, These things saith He that hath the sharp two-edged sword. days in which Antipas was My faithful martyr, who was slain among you where But this is an arcanum which enters with difficulty into the Even though it was unable to rival Ephesus and Smyrna in terms of travel and commerce, it excelled in other areas.Pergamos served as the capital city of the Greek dynasty of Attalid kings. I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s throne Such do they become in the world, who have approached

the city of Pergamum had been the center of cultural and intellectual life of the Hellenistic world.The meaning of the name Pergamos is not clear, but “citadel,” or “acropolis,” is one of its derived meanings. The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in… This page is also available in: हिन्दी (Hindi)Rebekah is identified as the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau in the Bible.

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