Also, you'd need Craft: Lapidary/Gemcutter to pull this off effectively (high quality).
Wizards will invade the elemental plane of earth. I think you can avoid a whole host of problems—from balance problems to narrative problems within your setting—by preventing those kinds of spells, and power levels that high, from even existing in the first place. Players have wanted to assassinate a evil king or general.
Close. I suspect the latter to be the truth, but would like some verification. Perhaps the monster itself absorbs the souls of those it kills making resurrections off the table for everyone killed by this thing, making matters even worse for the victims' families.The most direct approach, and also the best approach, is to just avoid high levels altogether.Pathfinder tends to break down at high levels. There will be occasional supply/demand spikes (wars, mine closures, new mines, etc), but the norm will prevail.IRL, the price of gold is about $1296 per troy ounce. However, I have found what appears to be a loophole: What if someone was on their deathbed, about to die of old age, and they killed themselves with another means (poison, dagger, etc.).
Posted by. I forgot that casting true resurrection can mean that the original body is left to rot. Even a king might be unable to gain leverage on someone of that power level. I hadn't looked at those spells as no one in our game is high enough level yet. It may be less work to rework any plans you have for high levels to use low levels, because the system will better support your goal (or it won’t be, if you are using an established setting that you would have to rewrite to use lower levels—that would obviously be a ton of work).The fact that it can bring back creatures whose bodies have been destroyed, doesn't necessarily mean they can just cast it wherever they want When in doubt, add planes. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company
@Cristol.GdM The fact that it can work even if the body is destroyed makes that whole Range thing part of the very question at hand: if there's nothing left to touch, how exactly do you cast it? Saves a lot of bother, and the queen can use the 5K stones for earring, the 10K for a pendant, and the 25K stone as a topper for her scepter until such time as she has to sacrifice her jewels for the good of the kingdom to fuel various spells.You can also bring back (for your home games) the old 1st ed "Jewel of Flawlessness" that increases the value of stones its placed with. A 25,000gp diamond isn't going to be (IMO) staggeringly large, it's the use that's going to make it so valuable. In 3.5, it used to be that value worth of diamond dust, changing it to a single diamond of that value raises the difficulty of acquiring the material component significantly. Dwarves will mine diamond fields. AFAIK no other spell has a costly DF, costly regular focus maybe, but not holy symbol. Hex: Onii-Chan. ), demand will encourage supply to the point where prices should stabilize. If they pursue the King's desire they would need to spend time familiarizing themselves with another deity that would grant the True Resurrection. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Role-playing Games Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for gamemasters and players of tabletop, paper-and-pencil role-playing games. Would they be able to be True Resurrected, as I suspect, or not? And that is the requirement for the spell.Also, in fantastic world settings, we are used to assume kings have unlimited money and resources, but in real world history, that is far from true. Anyone who achieved that level of power (at least 17 levels in Cleric) would already have the status of a living legend. Besides which, diamond value isn't just mass, it's cut and quality, and a 25000gp diamond is probably a lot lighter than 100 250gp diamonds. Which makes me wonder what other differences there are ... I suspect the latter to be the truth, but would like some verification.Second question: do these M component diamonds (5,000 gp, 10,000 gp, and 25,000 gp) have to be single diamonds worth the listed amount, or can a cleric simply amass (for a single casting of such a spell) a number of diamonds, the total value of which equals the required amount (like in 3.5)? This is a workable solution.To know the reason for the downvote could help me improve my answer.The downvote was not mine, have an upvote to cancel it out. True Resurrection Source: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook ↓ Attributes.
The might of 7th, 8th, and 9th level spells is just too immense, too world-changing—Instead, we can replace increasing levels with other forms of growth and advancement, to maintain the sense of progression and improvement for characters, but without reaching into the heights of Pathfinder’s highest levels.For example, using the E6 variant (wherein the level cap becomes 6th, but characters continue to gain bonus feats as they gain more XP thereafter) is a popular approach, and in an E6 world, even Another approach is the one taken by the Eberron campaign setting in D&D, where the greatest people in the world top out at around 12th or 13th level—so by the time the players are around 10th, they’re already dealing with the kind of world-changing/saving stuff that is usually associated with higher levels.
If the king agreed to pay 25000 GP to the party to get the diamond, it was 25000 GP worth diamond for the king, right? Even assuming it had flawless clarity, ideal color, and was perfectly cut, how large would a diamond need to be to be worth so much?
Assuming that there's a market for such services (hell yeah! 2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
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