Each release for Crawthorne's Catalog of Creatures for the Pathfinder RPG presents a single, new creature for your Pathfinder RPG game, as presented by the famous and retired monster hunter and adventurer, Lord Crawthorne. Created to be living siege engines, they seek little more in life than to seek out towns and fortresses to destroy.Masses of vegetation formed after parasitic spores from Akiton infect and grow within an organic host.Oddly intelligent predatory trees, capable of perfectly mimicking harmless flora.Vile swaths of vines that draw sustenance from mortal suffering, lapping up blood like water.Plant-dragons that can be found on Golarion and beyond, forming bodies from the vegetation of their chosen domain to heal and defend it as needed.Massive flowers with thorned tentacles they use to bludgeon apart prey.Mobile pitcher plants with psychoactive digestive juices.Much like giant flytraps, a colossal version of a carnivorous plant.Vicious pumpkins infected with fell magic and a drive to consume flesh.Giant plants in constant telepathic communication with one another.Masses of intelligent seaweed who lure in prey with hallucinations.Aquatic masses of weeds that drag down victims to drown and eat.Predatory plants that feed on oxygen, preferring to feed on the air within living creatures.Mobile and highly territorial vines that feed on carrion when the opportunity presents itself.The result of centuries of plant husbandry, flowering lattices are delicate networks of vines that form blossoming nets laden with fruits, berries, and flowers.
Its low Dex score and reliance on the electrical bolts to hit also means that it is a pretty weak, if resilient CR 4 critter. In Pathfinder First Edition mechanics, creatures comprised of or related to fungi are plants or have the fungal creature template. Creatures in the area must make a DC 20 A hangman tree’s vines are primary attacks that deal bludgeoning damage. Elder metamorphosis is also something I'm not sure that makes sense for the critter, as it takes their one unique ability...kinda away. ↑ Dennis Baker et al. Blight Tree : 3 15 ft. large plant neutral evil Bouncing Fungus : 0 20 ft. Small plant unaligned Bulbasaur : 1/4 30 ft. Small Plant any alignment Cactaron : 9 30 ft. Dryads are fey guardians of the trees and creatures who dwell in wooded areas. Ability Focus — Bombs: Bomb or Arcane Bombs Add +2 to the DC for all saving throws against your bombs. The tree generally only swallows one foe whole at a time, letting its other captured victims dangle and ripen until it is ready to feed on them.A hangman tree is 30 feet tall and weighs 12,000 poundsCheck out our other SRD sites! The rare followers of Treerazer who dwell outside Kyonin are usually loners or lead very small cults. Got corrections? All in all, one does not necessarily require this guy, but it's a decent enough plant. Although not inherently evil, these plant creatures are self-serving and dangerous.Both a color and print-friendly version of the product are included. These carnivorous plants are incredibly patient, and can wait for months in a single location for food to approach. Monster Selection by Letter: Monster Template.

Paizo Publishing, LLC. Creatures in the area must make a DC 20 Will save or believe the hangman tree to be a perfectly ordinary tree—or at worst, a treant or some other friendly tree-like creature. What could be nightmare fuel is a bit sabotaged by the artwork employed here.

Invested with a workable set of instincts and the ability to mobilize and attack, these awakened trees follow the commands of their master and fight to protect their home. The awaken spell can turn a tree into a plant creature, which “has characteristics as if it were an animated object, except that it gains the plant type and its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores are each 3d6.” But as a 5th-level spell it doesn’t help you much more than animate plants does. A skyfire tree is not only capable of unleashing a deadly electrical blast, but also stealing a victim's thoughts for the purpose of enhancing its own sense of identity. Each round, player characters, other creatures, and sometimes even hazards or events take their turn in initiative order. This sinister tree looms above a field strewn with bones. Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4, p. 116–117. Tobongos are larger and more powerful treants found in the Mwangi Expanse.The rangers of arboreal society, arboreal wardens endlessly patrol their home forests, rarely taking root in the same place twice. Each release for Crawthorne's Catalog of Creatures for the Pathfinder RPG presents a single, new creature for your Pathfinder RPG game, as presented by the famous and retired monster hunter and adventurer, Lord Crawthorne.

At the start of a participant’s turn, they gain the use of a number of actions (typically 3 in the case of PCs and other creatures) as well as a special action called a reaction. Blight Tree : 3 15 ft. large plant neutral evil Bouncing Fungus : 0 20 ft. Small plant unaligned Bulbasaur : 1/4 30 ft. Small Plant any alignment Cactaron : 9 30 ft.

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