These threats include:At any one time, up to 800 ADF personnel at sea, in the air and on the land, are working to protect Australia's borders and offshore maritime interests. Operation RESOLUTE is the ADF's contribution to the Whole-of-Government effort to protect Australia's borders and offshore maritime interests.It is the only ADF operation that currently defends the Australia homeland and its assets.The Operation RESOLUTE Area of Operations covers approximately 10 per cent of the world's surface and includes Australia's Exclusive Economic Zone which extends up to 200nm around the mainland. Christmas, Cocos, Keeling, Norfolk, Heard, Macquarie and Lord Howe Islands also fall within the Operation RESOLUTE boundaries. Operation Resolute began on 17 July 2006 and consolidated a number of previous ADF operations, including Operation Relex. Operation RESOLUTE is the ADF's contribution to the Whole-of-Government effort to protect Australia's borders and offshore maritime interests. Australian Government Department of Defence Global Operations. They work alongside personnel from Australian Customs and Border Protection Service and other agencies.ADF resources allocated to Operation RESOLUTE comprise:In addition, ADF units transiting the area of operations, while not assigned to Operation RESOLUTE, also contribute to the overall surveillance and security effort through their presence.Operation RESOLUTE news articles are available on the HMAS Pirie departing Smith Point refuelling depot at Christmas Island, as seen from the stern of HMAS Larrakia, while on Operation RESOLUTE duties. These threats include:At any one time, up to 600 ADF personnel at sea, in the air and on the land, are working to protect Australia's borders and offshore maritime interests. List of military operations involving Australia. South China Sea/Indian Ocean - Operation GATEWAY ADF assets are dedicated to these operations' taskings periodically. Christmas, Cocos Keeling, Heard, McDonald, Macquarie, Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands also fall within the Operation RESOLUTE boundaries.The ADF contributes forces under Operation RESOLUTE, through Joint Task Force 639, to Maritime Border Command (MBC), formerly known as Border Protection Command (BPC). Jump to navigation Jump to search. MBC is a multi-agency taskforce, within the Australian Border Force (ABF), which utilises assets assigned from ABF and ADF to conduct civil maritime security operations. Its maritime surveillance and response activities are commanded and controlled from the Australian Maritime Border Operations Centre in Canberra.Deputy Commander of Operation RESOLUTE, Commodore Brenton Smyth, RAN, is responsible at the frontline for ADF assets operating under Operation RESOLUTE.The ADF assets protect Australia's maritime domain from security threats.
In preparation for their deployments they practice the vital skills of concealment and surveillance. Australian Army troops on Thursday Island patrol the Torres Strait as part of Operation Resolute, to detect and deter illegal activity in Australian waters.
They work alongside personnel from Australian Border Force staff and other agencies.ADF resources allocated to Operation RESOLUTE comprise:In addition, ADF units transiting the area of operations, whilst not assigned to Operation RESOLUTE, also contribute to the overall surveillance and security effort through their presence. Christmas, Cocos, Keeling, Norfolk, Heard, Macquarie and Lord Howe Islands also fall within the Operation RESOLUTE boundaries.Commander Maritime Border Command (MBC), Rear Admiral Peter Laver, RAN, is the overarching operational authority that coordinates and controls both Defence and Australian Border Force assets from his headquarters in Canberra.Maritime Border Command is the multi-agency taskforce which utilises assets and personnel from both the Australian Border Force (ABF) and the Australian Defence Force (ADF) to safeguard Australia's maritime jurisdiction. Operation RESOLUTE is the ADF's contribution to the Whole-of-Government effort to protect Australia's borders and offshore maritime interests.The Operation RESOLUTE Area of Operations covers approximately 10 per cent of the world's surface and includes Australia's Exclusive Economic Zone (AEEZ) which extends up to 200 nautical miles from the Australian mainland and offshore territories. Periodic Operations. The number of personnel involved vary on each occurrence. MBC's maritime surveillance and response activities are commanded and controlled by The ADF assets protect Australia's maritime domain from security threats. The Operation RESOLUTE Area of Operations covers approximately 10 per cent of the world's surface and includes Australia's Exclusive Economic Zone (AEEZ) which extends up to 200 nautical miles from the Australian mainland and offshore territories. The Operation RESOLUTE Area of Operations covers approximately 10 per cent of the world's surface and includes Australia's Exclusive Economic Zone which extends up to 200nm around the mainland.
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