His channel is one of my favorites for content regarding Elite Dangerouzzzzzz.

( I haven't read up on all the details)Why on earth are you telling this forum, rather than OA? 191 comments. The carrier prize caters to a certain type of player, one of whose primary goals it is to make loads of cash. Elite Dangerous is a space simulator game by Frontier Developments based in the year 3306. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. There are very many longtime players who don't subscribe to that attitude.
The biggest issue with your rebuttal to OA is that you're assuming there is an easy way to find a carrier right by where you're currently located.I've written it elsewhere and I believe you are mistaken.This may have been mentioned, but do we know if you can offer a discount on ship transfers? While 8% may not be an accurate number, I think it sounds about right. Carriers are only aimed at the top 8% of players. "well here are your Fleet Carriers, and we fixed all the code for you, so enjoy. Well, it did rekindle interest for me. Fleet Carriers and Base Building, anyone? Like its a big problem... like you cant go out exploring for those 2 hours or go mine for 2 hours. Elite Dangerous: Horizons is the second season of expansions to Elite Dangerous that gradually introduces a variety of new features and gameplay content.. A better question would be if the pretty ice shaders were impossible to get running smoothly on PS4 and FD simply waited for the next gen (as it would be too much platform disparity if PC had it alone). I'm planning on uying one, not on release since I don't have the money, but eventually in the future for sure! I'm planning on uying one, not on release since I don't have the money, but eventually in the future for sure!

At X019, The Outer Worlds developer Obsidian revealed Grounded, a new survival game for Xbox One and PC, where players are shrunk down to the size of an ant … The number is even lower if you factor that in. Frontier open registration for player minor factions, a report emerges for Frontier's AGM, and there's some clarification on the Scourge decal.​If the current expectation of 2020 was a giant cake, this speculation adds a whole new tier of chocolate sponge to it. So something doesn't add up imo!New code base in a paid for expansion doesn't bode well for player, game, and support fragmentation, or would they drop the old era? Why you care so much what someone else says? FINALLY, why would anyone want to pay extra for items from carriers? David assured me that the codebase will be renewed via a paid expansion. This may have been mentioned, but do we know if you can offer a discount on ship transfers? Meanwhile we are excited to be working on the New Era of DLC Updates for the end of 2021 and beyond with the new code structure. Further, I did the math. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. I'm greeted by a very nice message when I dock to my beta carrier. (warning, wall-o-text) ... Carriers will correct that, and that is a good thing in my book. My moniker "Obsidian Ant" is now very much a part of who I am. It was continuously updated and developed throughout 2016 and 2017, providing free improvements to the base game for all Commanders, and headline features accessible only to Horizons owners. While I think the 8% number will rise because there is a goal/incentive to chase (FCs) - if it's revealed that FC's are just novelty items most players won't bother - then Fdev will abandon it because most players haven't bothered - this has been their modus since launch. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register.If only 10% of the player base owns a carrier, there wont be enough to actually pull this up, since there will be plenty of space to move to, by the time carriers are more popular, Frontier will have had the time to fix any possible exploit.Don't use your personal numbers and turn them into a generality, if you don't play enough to save the money for a carrier, its likely that you don't need it.You are only putting an opinion as if it where fact, whe don't know how many carriers there will be in the future, but I expect that if 10% of the playerbase own one, it will be plenty enough to keep working on it So Zac reappears in the autumn of 2020 to say "well here are your Fleet Carriers, and we fixed all the code for you, so enjoy. This is great news, as the QA team aren't picking up bugs, it seems. I've always been a ship building junkie, and I spend my money as soon as I get it.

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