The Lagan Canal was a 44-kilometre (27 mi) canal built to connect Belfast to Lough Neagh.

The route was surveyed in 1741 but it was not until 1753 that an act was passed to make the River Lagan navigable.

The majority of the cargo handled was coal for the adjacent gas works, though other cargoes included linen, corn, flour, timber and farm produce. The fishery is close to Belfast city centre. Interest in such a navigation was expressed by Colonel Monk during the Cromwellian campaign of the 1640’s. They formed a commission along with merchants from Belfast to study the best route and raise money for its construction. The central section from The Lagan Canal exists today in two distinct stretches: from Belfast to Sprucefield and from Moira to Lough Neagh.

Sadly only one lockkeeper’s house survives along the Belfast to Sprucefield stretch.

£4m project to reopen Lagan Canal to Lough Neagh begins . The Cusher, the Lagan and the Bann all fishing well with some fantastic trout July 30, 2012 The Lagan is still fishing reasonably well despite the topsy turvy weather conditions. At its peak it was one of the most successful of the Irish canals, but ultimately it was unable to compete with road and rail transport, and the two sections were closed in 1954 and 1958. A basin was located between two locks where boats could stop temporarily or be held while another passed. Roach were introduced into Ireland in the late 1800’s and they are now one of the most prolific coarse fish, occurring in waters in all parts of the country and offering sport through most of the year. The navigation between Belfast and Lisburn was completed and open for business by September 1763.The next section of the canal, from Lisburn to Ellis’ Cut did not commence until 1782 as landowners local to the route of the canal worried about flooding below Lisburn and the apparent unsuitability of the Lagan as a navigation route.

A carpenter’s workshop, stables for the horses, and canal manager’s house were also located here. The route was again surveyed in 1703 and a draft bill prepared for the Irish House of Commons, but yet again the scheme was discarded.
Whether you’re looking for a weekend away with a difference, or doing the 65 mile Great Glen Way by boot, boat or bike, be sure to consider the stunning location of Laggan Locks to grab a bite to eat, or even for your overnight rest stop!.

Construction began in 1756 under the supervision of Thomas Ormer, the money for the scheme being provided by levies placed on ale and spirits within the district of Lisburn for a period of 11 years. The route was surveyed in 1741 but it was not until 1753 that an act was passed to make the River Lagan navigable. Depending on the nature of the disability, it may also be possible to fish at other points along the towpath. The commission was replaced by the Company of Undertakers of the Lagan Navigation in 1779 in which the Marquis of Donegall had a controlling interest. Boating on Lough Neagh is now accessible to all with two secluded islands steeped in history, flora and fauna……..The first canal to be built was the Newry navigation which provided Lough Neagh with an outlet on the east coast of Ireland. The flight of locks at Sprucefield was designed by Richard Owen, who then took the navigation on to Lough Neagh. Navigation for Ireland and work on the Newry navigation commenced in 1734 under Richard Castle, a renowned architect and engineer. This section is mainly a coarse fishery (River Lagan Stranmillis Stretch).Shaw's Bridge is on the Belfast ring road between Newtownbreda (Forestside Shopping Centre) and Malone Road.

Scottish Canals, as the riparian landowner, allows fishing for brown trout and other freshwater fish along the man made sections of the Caledonian Canal – no permit is needed.

Tolls were charged on cargoes, but to encourage greater use of the waterway it was decided to waiver charges on potatoes, hay and straw moving downstream in 1813.The navigation is dominated by the Union Bridge. The Lagan continues to boil with plenty of fish recorded
Tags: place:Belfast X Canal Disused X Lagan Canal Lock (Disused) X River Lagan X The Stranmillis Gateway, River Lagan, Belfast (May 2019) by Albert Bridge geograph for square J3470 The works remain closed and without a contractor.

Expand. I have mixed emotions about the river. Lagan Rivers Trust is dedicated to restoring water quality, clean water, and good river habitat to the river Lagan, all the tributaries and Belfast Lough, in a sustainable manner.

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