Consultation will be open until next Thursday, August 13th.
The Rideau… Continue reading Fire/Emergency Services No fire permits will be issued during the ban, and if you currently have a permit, it is on hold. MING & WADING signs around the park warning visitors and explaining the risks. Although we must remain vigilant in our efforts to combat this virus, we are transitioning to a new normal.
Effective immediately, a complete burn ban is in effect.
Go to Summit, Mississippi 39666 to watch on the first and second Tuesday of each month.. Special Call Meeting on April 7 - click here for agenda Work Session on April 7, 5:30 P.M. - click here for agenda The Millstone is a volunteer-run and community-based newspaper that does not accept paid advertising.
Council will hold a special meeting today at 2:30 p.m. to discuss two items: 1) Funding for Planning Department Consulting Services: The meeting will be conducted via e-participation and audio will be live-streamed to the Municipality's YouTube Channel. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete.The Millstone is a volunteer-run newspaper for the Mississippi Mills area.I agree entirely with your comments. Please be patient with staff and give yourself extra time; a large number of vehicles are anticipated during the initial weeks the facility is re-opened. The Mississippi Mills Fire Department (MMFD) is restricting all burning in the municipality. This list is broken down by those that teach Statewide, Northern Mississippi, Central Mississippi, Southern Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, and Tennessee. After following the link to the NEW agendas and minutes: Questions? Ship’s company, the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department and sailors from nearby guided-missile destroyer USS The Sullivans (DDG-68) fought the fire … I encourage re I would like to thank the Members of Council, the Emergency Control Group and municipal employees for their dedication and commitment as we responded to this pandemic and now navigate new ways to deliver service to residents.
There are life rings with throw ropes at each sign. It continues to give me a great sense of pride to see residents, businesses and organizations pull together to show support, help and encouragement in response to the many challenges COVID-19 presents. We would love to collect your recollections of the global pandemic that we are still living through. If you complete the survey with your name and contact details (this is optional!) There are 3 large NO SWIM If you come to visit Pakenham on a hot day please swim at the beach located behind the Public School off Margaret St. Can’t think of a better place to be this summer! Town of Summit Responds to the Coronavirus - read more The Town of Summit's Work Session's and Board Meeting will be live streamed on our Facebook page starting this month. Rates of domestic violence have increased due to the stay-home guidelines in place with COVID-19. Cooking devices that are designed to cook food with wood pellets or charcoal, such as smokers or grills, are permitted for use. Please pass these resources along so when someone in our community needs help, they know who to turn to. Some of our friends, family and neighbours need help or will need help in the time ahead. Let’s make ... To access the Council and Committee of the Whole agendas and the live vi Accessing the agendas and minutes looks a little different than before. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Get there early to be sure you get a spot - this is a super popular, highlight of the summer! The Mississippi Mills Fire Department is restricting all burning in the municipality.
• Wear a mask as you approach the depot and especially while communicating with staff • Proof of residency is required! In Mississippi Mills, no burning is permitted until further notice.
All titles are in the current collection, but they only represent a selection of what is available at our libraries. Wilburn, Alan Lafayette County (662) 816-1083. ... Mills, Scott Lafayette County (662) 816-1072.
This is beautiful place to visit or picnic.
Complete the survey here: P.S.S. Enhanced Permit Certified Firearm Instructors. Support is available through Please pass on these resources so if someone needs them, they're easy to find. Have you taken a look at the Draft 2020-2023 Strategic Plan yet?
Comments can be submitted in writing to or you can drop them off in person at the Municipal Office or Almonte Old Town Hall.
you’ll automatically be entered into a draw for one of four $100 gift cards to Independent Grocer!
One response only per household, please!
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