Peterson got me interested in Nietzsche, Freud, and Jung, so it was cool when Brooks pointed out other thinkers with different takes on some of those figures. Michael Brooks Height

Michael Brooks, a progressive political commentator and co-host of the "Majority Report" podcast, died of a "sudden medical condition," the show announced on Twitter Monday. The broad gist of it is that despite of the pretense of these people, both collectively as a group, and individually, of being an intellectually rigorous heterodoxy against what they view as a contemporary social-intellectual orthodoxy, much of what the IDW espouses is fairly vacuous and fairly transparent defense of traditionalist "reactionary" ideas, especially the notion of de-facto social hierarchy in Western nations, and for some, the primacy of the "Judeo-Christian" belief system as the pillar-stone of "Western civilization". dissertation on the rise of the Alt-Right, I was very upset to hear about Michael’s passing. He also takes the left to task for the way they react to these provocations, but he maintains a sense of proportionality. The broad gist of it is that despite of the pretense of these people, both collectively as a group, and individually, of being an intellectually rigorous heterodoxy against what they view as a contemporary social-intellectual orthodoxy, much of what the IDW espoNot exactly a book in a traditional sense, but perhaps closer to a tract, Michael Brooks provides commentary on the IDW-movement honing in on Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris primarily, with Dave Rubin and Ben Shapiro as secondary focuses. So fucked.
That show he's on, "The Daily Wire," keeps coming up on my YouTube and I can't get rid of it.

This book is not a discussion of this or that issue but of worldview and narrative.

I can’t believe this is the only book we’ll get to enjoy from him. I do understand from the examples how atheists like Harris can hide behind "thought experiments" to unfairly target Muslims. In the 70s and 80s, it was foundations like the Heritage Foundation and AEI pushing right-wing ideas in Washington now the money is pushing content on Youtube. Michael J. Brooks, a popular progressive political commentator, passed away in July 2020. Brooks's last major target is Ben Shapiro. He never peaked but had the potential to be a distinctive political figure in the US climate.

He also explains how the shaming tactics of the "woke" crowd alienate people and drive some into the arms of the IDW and the reactionary right. 1789042305 But Beyond the IDW is what makes this really worthwhile. Although these dim-lit intellects (as of 2020) have lost all relevance on- and offline their tenebrous footprints are This is a short but solid read that functions as a response to the handful of 15-minutes-of-fame "thinkers" that were with us in the 2010s. He meticulously and expertly challenges the shallow platitudes and certainties of a certain cohort of "public intellectuals" by pulling away the curtain of "logic and reason" behind which these men (and yes, they are all men) hide their juvenile arguments. Michael Brooks Age. Never miss a story, sign up to our newsletter: Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Anyway, unfortunately, the right-wing noise machine will be with us as long as there are rich people looking to get richer off poor people and people dumb enough to let rich people prey on their prejudices which we all have and have to guard against or become suckers.

He never peaked but had the potential to be a distinctive political figure in the US climate.
As both a political commentator and satirist, I felt that Michael was a hugely important figure in the current ‘bread-tube’ media-sphere that is hugely influential in countering the intellectual charlatans of the ‘Intellectu The passing of Michael Brooks was both untimely and a devastating blow to the left.

While regularly co-hosting Michael Jamal Brooks was an American talk show host, writer, and political commentator. The rest of the book is a fun and effective criticism of Harris' deeply flawed "thought experiments," Peterson's shallow self-help, and Shapiro's vicious reactionary views. As the host of Michael Brooks takes on the new "Intellectual Dark Web."

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