You can watch it here:Hello cool dudes. Here is a picture of me playing Judge Rinder:Here is an important message in this difficult month.Someone on the internet suggested I play a game called ‘Ingress’.
It is not going to be very good. Then there is one on how to make friends, which I made using a cheap green screen.
Below is a playlist of all seven. Meanwhile I am still making my ultra low budget film. You can listen to the new podcast here where I talk to directors and film makers to get advice: There are already two episodes out.
In the meantime here is a video about the importance of sharing:My film podcast partner David Reed has gone on paternity leave so I have taken over by myself with guest. Here is our entry below and a making of video for anyone especially interested.The episode of Drunk History in which I played Isaac Newton is out on Comedy Central.
It’s called ‘Marek’s Bedtime Stories’.
They also get to sleep soundly at night in the knowledge they are part of the greatest club of all time.One day I will plan a walk somewhere in the South East for members to attend. I like drinking milk and playing a sport I invented called Volfsball. Here’s another Youtube video. By some fluke of nature a sketch I made called “Showreel for One Word or Less Parts’ won best online comedy at the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain Awards. This is my dream, just to go on walks and make films about the walks. Youtube tell you to make these so millions of people watch your channel. My brother, Kieran Larwood, won the Blue Peter Book Award with his excellent book Podkin One Ear. Have a great 2018 everyone.I am in a few things over Christmas – one of the hapless burglars in the Trollied Christmas Special on Sky on Christmas Eve, Gordon the henchman in Tim Vine Travels in Time on 29th December and on radio on Harry Hill’s Life on Egg from December 22nd. Also it was the World Championships of my made up sport It’s summer. I’ll be doing Marek’s Mediocre Masterpieces on Youtube, new video at 11am Monday, Wednesday , Friday. OUR PEOPLE.
Nervous about going for that big audition. Fingers crossed it is going well here some reviews in the I am still rehearsing the play ‘I want my hat back’, it opens on the 12th. It is on at the National Theatre Nov 12th to Jan 2nd. I managed to go on a walk. Find out in this video mate:Happy October. Oh, the Isle of Wight is good for a bit of fresh air is it?
If you think of something weird and times that by six, that is how weird Big Field is. decided to try and make a video a day for seven days starting on Monday 18th April.
So will be releasing them as ten minutes podcasts. Meanwhile here is a video of a new sport he has invented with the help of his Dad. I can’t afford a holiday as I have put all my money into Oh and here’s a new video about how to change the font on Microsoft Word. Just finished filming a small part in a film called ‘The Festival’, it will be out next year. To celebrate here is a weird video.Here is a useful guide to help people self taping auditions:I am going to try and put out five ghost walks in five days. I went to the Natural History Museum, there were a lot of screaming children. In the meantime here is a short film I was in earlier this year I appear 9 mins in. In the meantime, Happy Walking.The best way to see all the walks is to subscribe to the Youtube Channel. Managed to film a new episode of Marek Makes A Meal of It before shit kicked off. Here is some nice art work for the project that my brother drew.Good news. Here is one for your perusal:….and it is time for the long awaited return of the cooking show Marek Makes a Meal of It. All donations go towards walking videos and equipment.
Below is the link:The year is nearly over. The Greatest Club of all time. They get better I think as I get in the flow of it. It was possibly the most fun job ever. He also released his very The first ever game of his self invented weird sport Volfsball took place, and it actually works. The Capital Ring Hendon to Highgate.Hello. I thought it was supposed to make people millionaires, turns out you make about 3p. Here’s the video of how I got on.Check out their website. They only took fifteen minutes, but the researching, editing and the songs took up all of the lockdown.
Thanks.I went to Cardiff to see my friend Paul. I spent the start of the year Geocaching, you can watch it here.Sorry for the absence.
I have been doing some normal work to pay the bills and playing Father Christmas in a kids play. It is called ‘The Reluctant Landlord’, I have a small regular role in it.Also I have been working on a new short story podcast. I made a video for you to watch.I went to Hampstead Heath over the bank holiday and made another video. Celebability continues on ITV2 on Wednesday night. It is really mediocre but took me ages to make and could not have been done without the kind help of donators to the Marek Makes a Movie Podcast.
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