In 2006, Steve Georgala was appointed as CEO. Find out more in our Cookie Policy, including information on how to change your cookie settings. Advised the Oppenheimer family on the $5.1 billion disposal of the family’s 40% interest in De Beers to Anglo American plc.Khulisa Social Solutions She remained in this role for the first three seasons. Advised Brait SE on the largest non-bank capital raising in the history of South Africa In a Judgment given on 3 July 2020, ICC Judge Jones has made the first Competition Disqualification Order pursuant to s9A of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986. She initially served as the Writer's Assistant when the pilot was being developed. Everything we do is anchored in our values and our culture defines and supports us.Founded in Luxembourg in 1976, we specialise in complex, cross-border solutions, with 1,100 employees operating from 17 offices across 12 jurisdictions.We leverage strong values and a collaborative culture to build trusted relationships with our clients and provide tailored end-to-end solutions that embrace complexity and deliver simplicity.Maitland is committed to building and supporting a diverse and inclusive culture. If you click on “Okay to continue” or continue to use our website without clicking on “OK” we will take it that you are happy with us using cookies. Maitland is a suburban city in Orange County, Florida, United States, part of the Greater Orlando area. It is on the New England Highway about 17 km (11 mi) from its start at Hexham. Advised Brait SE on the largest non-bank capital raising in the history of South Africa Through the acquisition of FinSource, a Investment services were further developed post-2000 with the development of discretionary portfolio management and consulting and a suite of multi-asset class products in the Constantia brand. Calum Chambers (lahir di Petersfield, 20 Januari 1995; umur 25 tahun) adalah seorang pemain sepak bola berkewarganegaraan Inggris yang bermain untuk klub Arsenal biasa bermain pada posisi bek.. We stand against any form of racism and believe in equality of opportunity, while promoting a culture of respect and co-operation.As a united workforce, we celebrate and respect our diversity, skills and responsibilities in working towards a shared vision, together.Through our diversity–first recruitment protocols we look to continue to increase diversity in our organisation and leadership.Join our newsletter and stay informed with latest articles and news from Maitland thought leaders.Maitland is a global advisory, administration and family office firm providing seamless legal, fiduciary, investment and fund administration services to private, corporate and institutional clients across multiple jurisdictions. Ditikeni Trust - The Ditikeni Trust owns 10% of Maitland’s South African fund services business.Enlighten Education Trust - Maitland supports the Enlighten Education Trust, an integrated educational training and entrepreneurial development centre near Cape Town, South Africa. This programme sees Maitland employees mentor youth in a rural town in South Africa. Maitland Chambers is open for business, including our offices at 7 Stone Buildings.

The Supreme Court has today delivered a landmark judgment on issues of equity and charity law. Ditikeni Trust - The Ditikeni Trust owns 10% of Maitland’s South African fund services business.Enlighten Education Trust - Maitland supports the Enlighten Education Trust, an integrated educational training and entrepreneurial development centre near Cape Town, South Africa. In July 2012, the firm acquired a management company InterOcean Management Services in Maitland’s holding company, Maitland International Holdings, is registered in The Chairman of the Board is Michael Solomon and the Chief Executive Officer is Steven Georgala.

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