281 1 1 silver badge 7 7 bronze badges. The swan that flied high and vanished in the sky is Lufthansa and please note their logo is also that of a Swan. Almost all Indians who go to Germany on work or studies end up learning German as it is difficult to survive there without the language. asked Jun 29 '18 at 20:19.

Luft means "air" in German. It is said that certain kind of swan has ability to separate water from milk. When you have finished reviewing my changes, you may follow the instructions on the template below to fix any issues with the URLs. Otherwise they should be deleted. Many German words find their source in Sanskrit, for example, famous German airlines “Lufthansa” can be broken down into ‘luft’ meaning lost and ‘hansa’ meaning swan and the word literally means the ‘lost swan’. Ltd. All rights reserved. Fan = You know the meaning.... FanHansa = Bird that flies the fans (of the world cup) Even Luft Hansa is basic Sanskrit Luft = Flying in Sanskrit Hansa = Swan ... as already explained that Hansa does not come from sanskrit. I came across a discussion about if "Lufthansa" means air-Swan, inspired by the sanskrit word hansa swan. Germany has always believed in Aryan Philosophy, if you remember the Swastik symbol of Nazis. It now reads "The other [naming theory] is that the word was designed by F.A. Is it allowed here for Wikipedia is declared as non commercial?--I have just added archive links to 6 external links on When you have finished reviewing my changes, please set the Note: The Lufthansa Innovation Hub should imho be mentioned. Many German words find their source in Sanskrit, for example, famous German airlines “Lufthansa” can be broken down into ‘luft’ meaning lost and ‘hansa’ meaning swan and the word literally means the ‘lost swan’.

… All we’re asking is, that those carriers of Lufthansa that fly to India, have to be named in Sanskrit. By Kedar Ghimire 03/16/2008 Today, I was pissed off when I saw the meaning of Lufthansa in Wikipedia. Sanskrit obviously isn't the source of German. Fischer von Poturzyn and he has a whole book named as Lufthansa, I think anyone interested should read it. So i say Lufthansa does not exactly mean airline.

Book now! Please note Luft = Lupt = Vanished (Sanskrit) & Hansa = Swan. “Why should we allow German names to be thrust upon our runways? It was back then, and remains, Germany's flag-carrier airline. Due to flight schedule changes, you may experience longer waiting times for replies to e-mail requests and calls to our service centers. This can be traced back to an ancient species of swans that symbolized spirituality in India that is not seen in today’s world anymore. Both languages come from a common ancestor, Proto-Indo-European. The Lufthansa logo, an encircled stylised crane in flight, was created in 1918 by Otto Firle.The word "Lufthansa" combines two German words, "Luft", meaning "air" and "Hansa", meaning "Hanseatic League". The complete word Lufthansa is made up of two sanskrit word. The author of that segment inserted their personal political opinion about illegal immigration into the lemma. Which is of course wrong as it has its origins in the old german word hansa for group or ... germanic-languages sanskrit proto-germanic. It is spl tribute to swams!Lufthansa basically means airline. “When an aeroplane service first started in Germany, the aircraft they employed in service were pure white, resembling huge white swans. Lufthansa is a german airline with a pure german name. Following the decision of the HRD ministry to cancel German in Kendriya Vidyalayas and replace it with Sanskrit, the Civil Aviation Ministry too, has sent a notice to German Airline Lufthansa, ordering it to rename itself in Sanskrit if it wants its operations to be allowed to continue on Indian soil. Enclose the word in “” for an EXACT match e.g. This kind of swan were used to be in Himalayas. A friend whose first language is German has told me that, while difficult to translate to English, "hansa" in the title Lufthansa means something like merchants, especially alluding to merchants of the Hanseatic League, who took their businesses to the world in speedy clipper ship merchant vessels. 2) Hansa: type of swan. --Isn't there any information about the average age of the Lufthansa fleet? There has not been a statement made by Lufthansa and there is also no report by a news company like CNN or German media. Aircraft and crews are based locally. I discovered today that Lufthansa owns a restored, airworthy, JU-52, in first-iteration Luft Hansa colors.

Fischer von Poturzyn, who had written a book of the same name, in which he detailed the word Lufthansa as an amalgamation of two Sanskrit words: 'Lupth(लुप्त) and 'Hansa (हंस)'." It is a german airline carry bag.As a whole, the word "Lufthansa" is made up of two words: 'Lupth' and 'Hansa' which are two Sansrkit words meaning disappearing swan or a crane (bird).It's a German airline. In Sanskrit, the word that could describe them was lupth-hansa, or the hidden swan.

The word was designed by F.A.

“yoga”. Edit: With regard to the part of the theory that "-hansa" should refer to a swan or crane rather than the Hanseatic league, there is an interesting and real link between the German word for goose (Gans) and the Sanskrit word for the same bird, which is exactly the same: "Gans". 1. vote.

I immediately changed the Wikipedia to fit the truth. When these aeroplanes would fly into the sky and grow slowly smaller and disappear, they would look like swans disappearing into the heart of the sky. However, actually only 20 were ordered so far.When you have finished reviewing my changes, you may follow the instructions on the template below to fix any issues with the URLs. The theory varies from time to time and no credible explanation or source is ever given.

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