Sith Lords drew upon the dark side of the Force, using it to gain power. Several members of Soth's band may forgo attacking in order to provide supporting music. )Dungeons and Dragons and other RPG homebrew by Mischief of the Fraternity of Shadows forum.Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Soth rose through the ranks of the knighthood, reaching the highest rank; Knight of the Rose. Soth is Chaotic Evil, not lawful evil. The site may not work properly if you don't If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit Press J to jump to the feed. When he realized the monster he had become, he prayed to the deity The Mists of Ravenloft plucked Soth and Caradoc from Krynn while the two battled. The goddess Mishakal charged Isolde with warning Soth of the coming cataclysm, and set Soth on a quest to Istar to stop the Kingpriest from calling down the wrath of the gods in his folly.

Creatures in a 20 ft. radius sphere must make on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take 10d6 fire and 10d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half the damage on a successful one. In death, he is bitter and filled with an intense hatred for all living creatures, envying them for the life he once possessed.

Soth took her with him to Dargaard Keep under the pretext of allowing her injuries to heal, and soon entered into an affair with her. He went on many adventures, battling creatures of evil and slaying them in the name of the Knights of Solamnia. Soth was also named as one of the greatest villains in D&D history in the final print issue of Soth stands at an imposing 6 foot 5 and wears a full suit of ancient Solamnic plate mail. In life, the armour was shining white, with intricate carvings of kingfishers and roses, but in death, it was charred black, leaving only a single black rose on his breastplate, which would become his symbol.

He was one of the most famous knights in his time, he did many heroic deeds, and helped many. List of films portraying paedophilia or sexual abuse of minorsTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

Through these he lived in worlds of fantasy, ignoring the world beyond his keep. After the Chaos War, Takhisis secretly stole the world away, moving it to another place in the universe and cloaking it from the eyes of her fellow gods. 86. In the resulting conflict between Soth and his followers, his domain was drawn into Ravenloft, rendering Lord Soth the new Darklord of Sithicus, where he would find solace in his memories, driven mad by the banshees wailing over the centuries. TRAITS.

Lord Soth hurls a ball of baleful fire that explodes at a point he can see within 120 ft.

Soth agreed to undertake the quest, and began his journey with a contingent of loyal knights. He fights honorably, never ambushing an opponent from behind or striking at them before they can ready their weapons. She restored his humanity, and set Dargaard Keep aflame, threatening to kill him. L became a member on Feb 28, 2013. Show All; Hide All - Top - End - #4. The armour, which once protected Soth's human form, became the encasing that bound his essence in death. Before Soth became a Death Knight, he was a Knight of Solamnia. Titles: Lord Soth Lord Soth's real name is Loren Soth. According to Tracy Hickman, he needed a powerful character for the Heroes of the Lance to fight at the High Clerist's Tower, and Lord Soth suddenly came into his mind with a complete history and personality.

Takhisis was waging war on Krynn in preparation for her return to the world, and saw the great boon a creature as powerful as Soth would be to her. Powers and Stats. In all his undead glory, Soth stands 6'5" or taller. He wears a long purple cloak draped behind him almost to his knees. Although evil and filled with an intense hatred for all living creatures, most of the time Soth retains a semblance of the pride he held as a Solamnic knight, and fights honorably.

He travels mounted on a demonic steed with ebony skin and flaming hooves. Soth reached the Tower of High Sorcery of Palanthas, where Kitiara lay dying of a wound inflicted by her former lover, Dalamar the Dark. A chandelier fell from the ceiling, crushing Isolde and trapping their son. "1d20 Villains: D&D's Most Wanted; Preferably Dead". Soth's going to get a Vorpal Greatsword and +8 to all his ability stats through gear in his progression.

Soth also can cast various type of spells, including huge fireballs, magical words which stun or kill enemies, ice walls, cone of cold, etc. SRD Averages - An aggregation of all the key stats of all the monster entries on SRD arranged by CR.

Soth's wife soon died in mysterious circumstances, and Soth married Isolde, who one year later gave birth to a son, Peradur. With her dying breath, Isolde called down a terrible curse on Soth. Powers and Stats. In a fit of rage, Soth killed the elves and rode back to Dargaard with murder in his heart. Passing Soth's tests, she earned his unquestionable allegiance, and the use of his keep and armies. He is a death knight and fallen Knight of Solamnia from the world of Krynn.. Aside from these facts, however, Soth is a terrible enemy.

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