Attrition of operators and engineers has dropped from an initial high of 40% in 1988 to approximately 10–15% today.Without a SLEP the first LCAC would face retirement in 2004, based on a 20-year lifespan. Assaults were made from a few miles off-shore. During the advanced development stage, two prototypes were built. The advantages of air-cushion landing craft are numerous. Es kann so die klassische unsichere Landungszone in der Brandung wie beispielsweise bei den Landungen im Dieses Konzept, schweres Gerät von hoher See bis zu 80 Kilometer weit direkt auf den Strand zu bringen, heißt OTH (Als Weiterentwicklung war das Heavy Lift Landing Craft Air Cushion (HLCAC) mit 144 Tonnen Ladekapazität und einer um 33 % größeren Ladefläche angedacht. He talks to air traffic control which for LCAC's is well-deck control located near a ship's sterngate. Of these 91 LCACs, seventeen have been disassembled for Government-Furnished Equipment (GFE) or otherwise terminated for cost reasons, two are held for R&D, and 36 are in use on each coast at The craft operates with a crew of five. The first LCAC was delivered to the Navy in 1984 and Initial Operational Capability (IOC) was achieved in 1986. The Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC) is a class of air-cushion vehicle (hovercraft) used as landing craft by the United States Navy's Assault Craft Units and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF). This will involve replacing current electronics components, which are increasingly becoming obsolete and unsupportable, with an open electronics architecture using easily upgraded, Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components. The new buoyancy box will incorporate improvements to damage stability and trim control of the LCACs. Concurrently NAVSEA also considered additional SLEP options, including an enhanced engine to provide improved operation in excessively hot environments and an advanced skirt that is more reliable and cost effective. Of these 80 LCACs, 39 LCACs have undergone the SLEP conversion, 7 more SLEP conversions are in progress and 4 are awaiting induction. Capable of operating from existing and planned well deck ships, it is used to transport weapons systems, equipment, cargo and personnel from ship to shore and across the beach. Due to its tremendous over-the-beach capability, the LCAC can access more than 80% of the world's coastlines. The service currently has about six in action with an additional five under construction (2018). The LCAC propulsion system makes it less susceptible to mines than other assault craft or vehicles. Phase II will also include the electronics upgrade of Phase I, until the entire active fleet is outfitted with the new configuration. This program combines major structural improvements with Command, Control, Communications, Computer and Navigation upgrades and adds 10 years to the service life, extending it to 30 years.
An air-cushioned landing craft, also called an LCAC (landing craft, air cushioned), is a modern variation on the amphibious landing boat. Over a period of several years electronics system recapitalization will take place at each Assault Craft Unit (ACU), where the craft are physically located. They transport weapons systems, equipment, cargo and personnel of the assault elements of the Marine Air/Ground Task Force both from ship to shore and across the beach. Unter anderen stärkere und effizientere Triebwerke, ein Zweimann-Cockpit, die Verwendung von leichteren Materialien beim Bau sowie eine höhere Geschwindigkeit und höhere Nutzlast. Current projections foresee the inventory rising to 60 SSC LCAC-100s in 2031 and 72 SSC LCAC-100s on 2034.The SSC LCAC-100 will have an increased payload of 73 short tons. The FY 1991 request included full funding for 12 LCACs and advance procurement in support of the FY 1992 program (which was intended to be nine craft). NAVSEA transitioned from the research and development effort to the SLEP in 1999. It provides the capability to launch amphibious assaults from points over the horizon (OTH) from up to 50 nautical miles (93 km; 58 mi) offshore, thereby decreasing risk to ships and personnel and generating greater uncertainty in the enemy's mind as to the location and timing of an assault, thereby maximizing its prospects of success. JEFF A was designed and built by The first 33 were included in the FY82-86 defense budgets, 15 in FY89, 12 each in FY90, FY91 and FY92, while seven were included in FY93. The LCAC is similar to a helicopter in that it has six dimensions of motion. The SLEP is planned for a total of 72 craft.
Additionally, the SLEP will include an open-architecture concept, relying on modern commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) equipment, which will allow much easier incorporation of later technology changes, such as the precision navigation system and communications systems ¾ fully interoperable with in-service and near-term future Joint systems ¾ now planned. In addition to beach landing, LCAC provides personnel transport, evacuation support, lane breaching, mine countermeasure operations, and Marine and Special Warfare equipment delivery.The LCAC is a dramatic innovation in modern amphibious warfare technology. The near-term focus will be on the "C4N" [Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Navigation] program, to replace the crafts' obsolete equipment. The first units were identified as early as 2007 with commissioning believed to have taken place from 2010 onward. The FY 1990 budget request included $219.3 million for nine craft. It is to be replaced by the SSC.
In FY 2001, it was funded at $19.9 million and extended the service life of 1 craft. The Navy continued the LCAC Service Life Extension Program in Fiscal Year 2001. The new electronics suite will be more reliable and less costly to operate and maintain. Operating the LCAC demands unique perceptual and psychomotor skills. The FY 2013 budget authorized 4 SLEP conversions per year through FY 2018. Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC) (deutsch: „Landungsfahrzeug Luftkissen“) ist ein Typ von Luftkissen-Landungsbooten der United States Navy. Phase II. The last of the 72 SLEP conversions will be delivered to the Navy in FY 2020.
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